كورس KM
كورس إدارة المعرفة
حروف KM أختصاراً لجملة (Knowledge Management)
مواصفات الكورس :
فى السعى لتحقيق ميزة تنافسية مستدامة , وصلت الشركات أخيراً إلى إدراك أن التكنولوجيا وحدها ليست كافية أنما تكنولوجيا المعرفة أو ما يسمى بالمعرفة هى أيضا عنصراً حيويا , فى عدم تسلسل المعرفة يكمن فى أن الناس فى الشركات , والعمليات , والخبرات التى لا غنى عنها من أجل البقاء .
هذا بالطبع ما يلزم أن تتعلم المبادئ الأساسية لإدارة المعرفة وتوضح كيفية عمل تكنولوجيا KM و CRM وكيفية تاثيرها على البنية التحتية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات.
وكما يبين الطريق لإستخدام فريق بناء القدرات وتحديد الأهداف والمناورات لخلق مشاريع KM/CRM ممتازة وكيفية التوفيق بين إستراتيجية الأعمال الإلكترونية وخيارات التكنولوجيا وإدارة المعرفة هذا ما سوف يكون ببرنامج تدريب KM (Knowledge Management) الذى سوف ينظم من أجل المتدرب
مدة الكورس 3 أيام
مكونات الكورس
Module 01: Introduction to Knowledge Management
* Defining Knowledge Management
* Three pillars of Knowledge Management
* Objectives of knowledge management
* Knowledge management perspectives
* Essential Terms
* Principles of Knowledge
* Business Environment
* KM and the e-Business Space
* Significance of Knowledge Management
* Evolution of Knowledge Management
* Methods
* Thrust
* Focus
* Knowledge Management Technology Scene
* Management Challenges
* Critical Success Factors
Module 02: Knowledge and Learning
* Defining Knowledge
* Defining Learning
* KM and Learning in Organizations
* The Knowledge Hierarchy
* Knowledge as a Strategic Resource
* Realities in Knowledge Management
* Types of Organizational Knowledge
* Types of Knowledge Acquired
* Knowledge Transfer Modes
* KM and Individual Learning
* Optimal Characteristics of Learners
* Learning Delivery types
* E Learning Characteristics
* Essentials of E Learning
* Strategic Importance of E Learning
* Effectiveness of E Learning
Module 03: Organizational Learning and Learning Organizations
* Defining Organizational Learning
* Organizational Learning Types
* Levels of Organizational Learning
* Motivation for Organizational Learning
* Understanding a Learning Organization
* Activity Profile of Learning Organizations
* Characteristics of a Learning Organization
* Five Disciplines of Learning Organizations
* Learning Strategies
* Sorting out Domains and Relationships
* Relationship of IT, IM and KM
* Essence of Knowledge Management
* Knowledge Sharing
* People, Places and Things
* Reasons for Knowledge Sharing
* Types of Knowledge shared
* Capturing and sharing knowledge
* Why People don’t share
* Why People share
* How to share knowledge
* Examples from the Private Sector
* Examples from the Public Sector
* Recommendations for sharing knowledge
* Pitfalls to Avoid
* Organizational Challenges
Module 04: Organizational Culture, Change Management and Communities of Practice
* Knowledge Flows and Networks
* Social Network Analysis
* Need for Analysis
* SNA Applications
* Exhibit - ContactMap
* Organization Culture
* Imbibing Culture
* Typologies of Culture
* Characteristics of Organization Culture
* Aspects of Knowledge Management
* Shaping Organization Culture
* Schein’s 10 Step Audit
* Managing Change
* Organization Performance Levers
* Need for Change Management Approach
* Knowledge Workers and Roles
* Introducing Communities of Practice
* Characteristics of Communities
* CoP Facilitators
* Strategic Purpose of Communities
* Building CoP
* CoP PhaseI,II
* Components of CoP
* Benefits from communities
* Recommendations
* Story Telling
* Six steps in Story Telling
* Characteristics of Stories
Module 05: Enabling Technologies
* Requirements of Knowledge workers
* Mapping KM Technology to Transfer Modes
* Technology issues
* Layers of a KM Platform
* Technology Aspect of KM
* Communications Module
* Introducing the Intranet
* Differentiating Intranet Internet and Extranet
* Intranet Business Issues
* Intranet Technology Issues
* Intranet Components
* Benefits of an Intranet
* Applications and Benefits
* Cost Benefit Analysis Exhibit
* Intranet Technology Requirements
* Challenges and Opportunities of a Corporate Intranet
* Communities Teams And Experts
* Expertise Location
* Guidelines for Deploying an Expert Location System
* Introducing Portals
* Technology Requirements of Portals
* Benefits of Portals
* Relating Portals and Document Management
* Portals and the e-Business Space
* Enterprise Knowledge Portals
* Content Management
* Architecture of a CMS
* Real Time Collaboration
* Groupware Workflow and Document Management
* Asynchronous Groupware
* Synchronous or Real-time Groupware
* Document Management and Imaging
* Other supporting technology
* Technology Challenges
* KM Deployment Phases
* Top 100 KM companies
Module 06: Knowledge Management Frameworks and Processes
* Introducing the Knowledge management Framework
* Requirements from a KM Framework
* Basics of a knowledge framework
* Overview of Popular Frameworks
* Selecting a KM Framework
* Knowledge Processes
* Modes of Knowledge Generation
* Knowledge Creation
* IT Application for Knowledge Creation
* Knowledge Storage / Retrieval
* Forms of Knowledge Storage / Retrieval
* Knowledge Repositories
* Corporate Knowledge Repository
* IT Applications for Knowledge Storage / Retrieval
* Knowledge Transfer
* Five Elements of Knowledge Transfer
* Informal and Formal Channels
* IT Applications for Knowledge Transfer
* Knowledge Application
* IT Applications for Knowledge Application
* Social Capital
* Protecting Knowledge
* Knowledge Harvesting
* Knowledge Management Process Map
* Embedding Knowledge in Organization Processes
* Exhibit. Business process Mapping
* Exhibit. Embedding Business Process Knowledge
Module 07: Knowledge Strategy
* Strategic Themes
* Importance of KM Strategy
* Essentials of Knowledge Management Strategy
* Knowledge Management Strategies
* Codification
* Codification Example: Daimler Chrysler
* Personalization
* Comparing Codification and Personalization
* Best Practices
* Best Practices Example: Ford
* Communities of Practice
* Communities of Practice Example: Siemens
* Exhibit. Strategies
* Exhibit. Benefits
* Guidelines for Knowledge Strategy Formulation
Module 08: Knowledge Management Assessment and Planning
* The Knowledge Management Maturity Model
* Need For Maturity Model
* Knowledge Management Maturity Levels
* Key Factors Involved
* Key Result Areas
* Siemens AG KMMM
* KMMM Auditing
* KM Readiness Assessment
* Importance of Assessing KM Readiness
* How to assess organizational readiness
* KM Framework Readiness Example: KPMG
* Implications
* Enhancing Organizational Knowledge Maturity
* Knowledge Auditing
* Need for Auditing Knowledge
* Sources of Knowledge for Audit
* Knowledge Audit Methods
* Basic Audit Methodology
* Challenges For Auditing Knowledge
* Sample Audit outline
* Deliverables of a Knowledge Audit
* Knowledge Management Project Initiation
* Project Planning Guidelines
* Critical Success Factors
Module 09: Knowledge Management Measurements and Methodologies
* Basics of Measurement and Metrics
* Significance of KM Measurement
* Types of Metrics
* Analysis and Interpretation
* The Measurement Process
* Qualitative and Quantitative Measures
* Balanced Scorecard
* Need for Implementation Methodology
* APQC KM Road Map
* Exhibit. PWC KM Project Methodology
* Example of a Methodology: British Petroleum
* Critical Success Factors
Module 10: Building a Business Case for Knowledge Management
* Definition of Business Case
* The Business Development Process
* Target Value Drivers for KM
* Arriving at Benchmarks for KM
* Basics of Financial Analysis
* Measurement Plan
* Example of a Balanced Scorecard
* Phases of a KM Project
* Other Financial Analysis Methods
* Role Of Measurement In Business Case
كورس إدارة المعرفة
حروف KM أختصاراً لجملة (Knowledge Management)
مواصفات الكورس :
فى السعى لتحقيق ميزة تنافسية مستدامة , وصلت الشركات أخيراً إلى إدراك أن التكنولوجيا وحدها ليست كافية أنما تكنولوجيا المعرفة أو ما يسمى بالمعرفة هى أيضا عنصراً حيويا , فى عدم تسلسل المعرفة يكمن فى أن الناس فى الشركات , والعمليات , والخبرات التى لا غنى عنها من أجل البقاء .
هذا بالطبع ما يلزم أن تتعلم المبادئ الأساسية لإدارة المعرفة وتوضح كيفية عمل تكنولوجيا KM و CRM وكيفية تاثيرها على البنية التحتية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات.
وكما يبين الطريق لإستخدام فريق بناء القدرات وتحديد الأهداف والمناورات لخلق مشاريع KM/CRM ممتازة وكيفية التوفيق بين إستراتيجية الأعمال الإلكترونية وخيارات التكنولوجيا وإدارة المعرفة هذا ما سوف يكون ببرنامج تدريب KM (Knowledge Management) الذى سوف ينظم من أجل المتدرب
مدة الكورس 3 أيام
مكونات الكورس
Module 01: Introduction to Knowledge Management
* Defining Knowledge Management
* Three pillars of Knowledge Management
* Objectives of knowledge management
* Knowledge management perspectives
* Essential Terms
* Principles of Knowledge
* Business Environment
* KM and the e-Business Space
* Significance of Knowledge Management
* Evolution of Knowledge Management
* Methods
* Thrust
* Focus
* Knowledge Management Technology Scene
* Management Challenges
* Critical Success Factors
Module 02: Knowledge and Learning
* Defining Knowledge
* Defining Learning
* KM and Learning in Organizations
* The Knowledge Hierarchy
* Knowledge as a Strategic Resource
* Realities in Knowledge Management
* Types of Organizational Knowledge
* Types of Knowledge Acquired
* Knowledge Transfer Modes
* KM and Individual Learning
* Optimal Characteristics of Learners
* Learning Delivery types
* E Learning Characteristics
* Essentials of E Learning
* Strategic Importance of E Learning
* Effectiveness of E Learning
Module 03: Organizational Learning and Learning Organizations
* Defining Organizational Learning
* Organizational Learning Types
* Levels of Organizational Learning
* Motivation for Organizational Learning
* Understanding a Learning Organization
* Activity Profile of Learning Organizations
* Characteristics of a Learning Organization
* Five Disciplines of Learning Organizations
* Learning Strategies
* Sorting out Domains and Relationships
* Relationship of IT, IM and KM
* Essence of Knowledge Management
* Knowledge Sharing
* People, Places and Things
* Reasons for Knowledge Sharing
* Types of Knowledge shared
* Capturing and sharing knowledge
* Why People don’t share
* Why People share
* How to share knowledge
* Examples from the Private Sector
* Examples from the Public Sector
* Recommendations for sharing knowledge
* Pitfalls to Avoid
* Organizational Challenges
Module 04: Organizational Culture, Change Management and Communities of Practice
* Knowledge Flows and Networks
* Social Network Analysis
* Need for Analysis
* SNA Applications
* Exhibit - ContactMap
* Organization Culture
* Imbibing Culture
* Typologies of Culture
* Characteristics of Organization Culture
* Aspects of Knowledge Management
* Shaping Organization Culture
* Schein’s 10 Step Audit
* Managing Change
* Organization Performance Levers
* Need for Change Management Approach
* Knowledge Workers and Roles
* Introducing Communities of Practice
* Characteristics of Communities
* CoP Facilitators
* Strategic Purpose of Communities
* Building CoP
* CoP PhaseI,II
* Components of CoP
* Benefits from communities
* Recommendations
* Story Telling
* Six steps in Story Telling
* Characteristics of Stories
Module 05: Enabling Technologies
* Requirements of Knowledge workers
* Mapping KM Technology to Transfer Modes
* Technology issues
* Layers of a KM Platform
* Technology Aspect of KM
* Communications Module
* Introducing the Intranet
* Differentiating Intranet Internet and Extranet
* Intranet Business Issues
* Intranet Technology Issues
* Intranet Components
* Benefits of an Intranet
* Applications and Benefits
* Cost Benefit Analysis Exhibit
* Intranet Technology Requirements
* Challenges and Opportunities of a Corporate Intranet
* Communities Teams And Experts
* Expertise Location
* Guidelines for Deploying an Expert Location System
* Introducing Portals
* Technology Requirements of Portals
* Benefits of Portals
* Relating Portals and Document Management
* Portals and the e-Business Space
* Enterprise Knowledge Portals
* Content Management
* Architecture of a CMS
* Real Time Collaboration
* Groupware Workflow and Document Management
* Asynchronous Groupware
* Synchronous or Real-time Groupware
* Document Management and Imaging
* Other supporting technology
* Technology Challenges
* KM Deployment Phases
* Top 100 KM companies
Module 06: Knowledge Management Frameworks and Processes
* Introducing the Knowledge management Framework
* Requirements from a KM Framework
* Basics of a knowledge framework
* Overview of Popular Frameworks
* Selecting a KM Framework
* Knowledge Processes
* Modes of Knowledge Generation
* Knowledge Creation
* IT Application for Knowledge Creation
* Knowledge Storage / Retrieval
* Forms of Knowledge Storage / Retrieval
* Knowledge Repositories
* Corporate Knowledge Repository
* IT Applications for Knowledge Storage / Retrieval
* Knowledge Transfer
* Five Elements of Knowledge Transfer
* Informal and Formal Channels
* IT Applications for Knowledge Transfer
* Knowledge Application
* IT Applications for Knowledge Application
* Social Capital
* Protecting Knowledge
* Knowledge Harvesting
* Knowledge Management Process Map
* Embedding Knowledge in Organization Processes
* Exhibit. Business process Mapping
* Exhibit. Embedding Business Process Knowledge
Module 07: Knowledge Strategy
* Strategic Themes
* Importance of KM Strategy
* Essentials of Knowledge Management Strategy
* Knowledge Management Strategies
* Codification
* Codification Example: Daimler Chrysler
* Personalization
* Comparing Codification and Personalization
* Best Practices
* Best Practices Example: Ford
* Communities of Practice
* Communities of Practice Example: Siemens
* Exhibit. Strategies
* Exhibit. Benefits
* Guidelines for Knowledge Strategy Formulation
Module 08: Knowledge Management Assessment and Planning
* The Knowledge Management Maturity Model
* Need For Maturity Model
* Knowledge Management Maturity Levels
* Key Factors Involved
* Key Result Areas
* Siemens AG KMMM
* KMMM Auditing
* KM Readiness Assessment
* Importance of Assessing KM Readiness
* How to assess organizational readiness
* KM Framework Readiness Example: KPMG
* Implications
* Enhancing Organizational Knowledge Maturity
* Knowledge Auditing
* Need for Auditing Knowledge
* Sources of Knowledge for Audit
* Knowledge Audit Methods
* Basic Audit Methodology
* Challenges For Auditing Knowledge
* Sample Audit outline
* Deliverables of a Knowledge Audit
* Knowledge Management Project Initiation
* Project Planning Guidelines
* Critical Success Factors
Module 09: Knowledge Management Measurements and Methodologies
* Basics of Measurement and Metrics
* Significance of KM Measurement
* Types of Metrics
* Analysis and Interpretation
* The Measurement Process
* Qualitative and Quantitative Measures
* Balanced Scorecard
* Need for Implementation Methodology
* APQC KM Road Map
* Exhibit. PWC KM Project Methodology
* Example of a Methodology: British Petroleum
* Critical Success Factors
Module 10: Building a Business Case for Knowledge Management
* Definition of Business Case
* The Business Development Process
* Target Value Drivers for KM
* Arriving at Benchmarks for KM
* Basics of Financial Analysis
* Measurement Plan
* Example of a Balanced Scorecard
* Phases of a KM Project
* Other Financial Analysis Methods
* Role Of Measurement In Business Case
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