ميرانشاه (باكستان) (ا ف ب) - افاد مصدر امني باكستاني ان الطائرة الاميركية من دون طيار التي قصفت الاثنين موقعا للمتمردين الاسلاميين في المناطق القبلية الباكستانية في شمال غرب البلاد، اوقعت 12 قتيلا بينهم خمسة ناشطين اسلاميين، في حين كانت الحصيلة السابقة تشير الى مقتل خمسة.وقال مصدر امني باكستاني لوكالة فرانس برس ان القصف استهدف موقعا للمتمردين في داندي داربا خيل الواقعة على بعد خمسة كيلومترات من مدينة ميرانشاه عاصمة وزيرستان الشمالية.واضاف المصدر في اتصال هاتفي مع فرانس برس ان "التقارير الاخيرة تفيد بمقتل ما لا يقل عن 12 شخصا نتيجة قصف هذه الطائرة من دون طيار بينهم خمسة ناشطين".وكان مصدر امني قال في وقت سابق ان "الطائرة الاميركية من دون طيار اطلقت ثلاثة صواريخ واصابت منزلا يستخدمه الناشطون الاسلاميون ما ادى الى مقتل خمسة منهم". كما اكد مصدر في الاستخبارات الباكستانية في ميرانشاه النبأ والحصيلة.
Stay in the heart of the event - killed 12 people in a raid by an American drone in Pakistan
Miranshah (Pakistan) (AFP) - A security source said a Pakistani American plane without a pilot, which bombed Monday a rebel Islamists in Pakistan's tribal areas in the northwest, killed 12 people, including five Islamic militants, while the outcome was the former refers to killing five. A security source said a Pakistani told AFP that the target was a rebel in Dundee DARPA horses, located five kilometers from the town of Miranshah, capital of North Waziristan. The source added in a telephone interview with AFP that "recent reports of the killing of at least 12 people by the bombing of the plane without a pilot, including five militants. "A security source had said earlier that" the American plane drones fired three missiles and hit a house used by Islamic militants, killing five of them. " A source in the Pakistani intelligence services in Miranshah, the report and outcome
Stay in the heart of the event - killed 12 people in a raid by an American drone in Pakistan
Miranshah (Pakistan) (AFP) - A security source said a Pakistani American plane without a pilot, which bombed Monday a rebel Islamists in Pakistan's tribal areas in the northwest, killed 12 people, including five Islamic militants, while the outcome was the former refers to killing five. A security source said a Pakistani told AFP that the target was a rebel in Dundee DARPA horses, located five kilometers from the town of Miranshah, capital of North Waziristan. The source added in a telephone interview with AFP that "recent reports of the killing of at least 12 people by the bombing of the plane without a pilot, including five militants. "A security source had said earlier that" the American plane drones fired three missiles and hit a house used by Islamic militants, killing five of them. " A source in the Pakistani intelligence services in Miranshah, the report and outcome
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