فيينا (ا ف ب) - اعلن نائب مستشار النمسا جوزف برول تحفظه على بناء مسجد بمئذنة في عواصم المقاطعات التسع تعليقا على رغبة المسؤول عن الجالية المسلمة، في مقابلة تنشر الثلاثاء في صحيفة سالزبرغر ناكريشتن.وقال جوزف برول "سيكون الامر بارزا اكثر من اللازم". واستنادا الى تقديرات اخيرة يوجد في النمسا نصف مليون مسلم من اجمالي عدد السكان البالغ 8,3 مليون نسمة.وفي حديث لوكالة الانباء النمساوية نشر الاحد قال مسؤول الجالية المسلمة النمساوية انس شقفه انه يرغب في رؤية مسجد مع مئذنة في جميع مقاطعات النمسا التسع.واثار ذلك فورا حفيظة اليمين المتطرف الذي ذهب الى حد المطالبة بوقف الهجرة الاتية من الدول الاسلامية. ودعا برول من جانبه الى المزيد من التسامح الديني في العالم الاسلامي.وقال "اعرف بلدانا مسلمة حيث لا يمكن التفكير ببناء كنيسة او معبد. اضم صوتي الى من يطالبون الاسلام بابداء التسامح ذاته الذي يطلب منا. هذا سيحل قضية المساجد بصورة تلقائية".
Stay in the heart of the event - Vice-Chancellor of Austria opposed the construction of mosques with minarets
VIENNA (AFP) - The Vice-Chancellor of Austria Joseph Brule reservation to build a mosque minaret in the capitals of the nine provinces Commenting on the willingness of the administrator of the Muslim community, in an interview published Tuesday by the Sulzberger Nakreshetn. Said Joseph Brule "It will be a senior too much" . According to recent estimates there are in Austria, half a million Muslims out of a total population of 8,3 million people. In an interview, told Austrian news released on Sunday said an official of the Muslim community Austrian Lance Shaqfa he wanted to see the mosque with a minaret in all provinces of Austria's nine districts. That triggered the immediate ire of the extreme right, who went to the extent of the demand to stop immigration of people from Muslim countries. He called on his payroll of more religious tolerance in the Muslim world. "I know where the Muslim countries can not think of building a church or temple. Join my voice to those calling for an expression of tolerance of Islam itself, which asks us. This will automatically cause the mosques."
Stay in the heart of the event - Vice-Chancellor of Austria opposed the construction of mosques with minarets
VIENNA (AFP) - The Vice-Chancellor of Austria Joseph Brule reservation to build a mosque minaret in the capitals of the nine provinces Commenting on the willingness of the administrator of the Muslim community, in an interview published Tuesday by the Sulzberger Nakreshetn. Said Joseph Brule "It will be a senior too much" . According to recent estimates there are in Austria, half a million Muslims out of a total population of 8,3 million people. In an interview, told Austrian news released on Sunday said an official of the Muslim community Austrian Lance Shaqfa he wanted to see the mosque with a minaret in all provinces of Austria's nine districts. That triggered the immediate ire of the extreme right, who went to the extent of the demand to stop immigration of people from Muslim countries. He called on his payroll of more religious tolerance in the Muslim world. "I know where the Muslim countries can not think of building a church or temple. Join my voice to those calling for an expression of tolerance of Islam itself, which asks us. This will automatically cause the mosques."
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