كشف الدكتور أسر سلامة الرئيس لتنفيذى لشركة إيزى سويت للتجميل عن مساهمة البنك العربى الأفريقى بحصة تصل قيمتها لـ20% من الشركة خاصة بعد تحويلها لشركة مساهمة مصرية من الشركة، والاتجاه لإنشاء إنشاء مصنع لإنتاج مستحضرات التجميل والمناديل المبللة "ويت وايبس" بمدينة برج العرب باستثمارات تصل إلى 60 مليون جنيه. وقال سلامة خلال حفل السحور التى أقامتها الشركة أمس، إن شركته تستهدف طرح أسهمها داخل البورصة المصرية كأول شركة لمستحضرات التجميل يتم طرحها بالبورصة المصرية العام القادم، والتى ستمكنها من تدول أسهمها بالبورصة. وأكد سلامة، أن استثمارات الشركة تصل إلى 40 مليون جنيه وسيتم زيادة رأس المال بقيمة 60 مليون جنيه ليصل حجم استثمارات الشركة إلى مليار جنيه، لافتاً إلى أن الشركة تستهدف الاتجاه إلى الأسواق الخارجية بعد استكمال الشركة إنشاء المصنع الجديد والذى سيمكن الشركة من الوفاء باحتياجات السوق، خاصة أنها تستحوذ على حجم كبير من سوق مستحضرات التجميل فى مصر. وأشار الرئيس التنفيذى لشركة إيزى سويت إلى دخول البنك العربى الأفريقى شريكاً فى الشركة يؤكد قوة الشركة، مضيفًا أن توسع الشركة فى عمليات التصدير والتى تقرر أن تبدأ عام 2011 ستتم من خلال فروع البنك فى دول العالم، حيث يستهدف البنك اقتحام السوق الأوروبية، وأمريكا الجنوبية، بالإضافة إلى باقى دول العالم. ومن جانبه، أكد عمر بديوى مدير صندوق المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة بالبنك العربى الدولى، أن مساهمة البنك فى الشركة لتصبح الذراع الاستثمارى للبنك يأتى من دعم البنك للمشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة، لافتاً إلى البنك يساهم فى زيادة رأس مال الشركة.
Stay in the heart of the event - designed to put in the stock market: "Arab African" would contribute to 20% with the "Easy Sweet"
Dr family's safety to the CEO of Easy Sweet Beauty on the contribution of Arab-African Bank 's share amounting to 20% of the company, especially after converted to a shareholding company of the company, and the tendency to create a factory for the production of cosmetics, napkins, wet "Wet and Ibis," the city of Borg El-Arab investments amounting to 60 million pounds. Salameh said during the ceremony, which suhur established by the company yesterday, said his company aimed to sell shares in the Egyptian Stock Exchange as the first cosmetics company to be offered the Egyptian Stock Exchange next year, which will enable them to internationalize their shares in the bourse. Confirmed the safety, the company's investments up to 40 million pounds and it will increase the capital value of LE 60 million to size up the company's investment to one billion pounds, pointing out that the company aimed at the trend of foreign markets after the completion of company, the new factory, which will enable the company to meet the needs of the market, especially as it acquires a large size of the market for cosmetics in Egypt. The CEO of Easy resolved to enter the Arab-African Bank partner in the company confirms the strength of the company, adding that the company's expansion in the export, which is scheduled to begin in 2011 will take place through the bank's branches in the countries of the world, where the bank aims to break into the European market, and South America, In addition to the rest of the world. For his part, said Omar Bedawy fund manager of small and medium-Arab International Bank, the Bank's contribution in the company to become the investment arm of the bank comes from the Bank's support to small and medium enterprises, pointing to the Bank contributes to increase the capital of the company.
Stay in the heart of the event - designed to put in the stock market: "Arab African" would contribute to 20% with the "Easy Sweet"
Dr family's safety to the CEO of Easy Sweet Beauty on the contribution of Arab-African Bank 's share amounting to 20% of the company, especially after converted to a shareholding company of the company, and the tendency to create a factory for the production of cosmetics, napkins, wet "Wet and Ibis," the city of Borg El-Arab investments amounting to 60 million pounds. Salameh said during the ceremony, which suhur established by the company yesterday, said his company aimed to sell shares in the Egyptian Stock Exchange as the first cosmetics company to be offered the Egyptian Stock Exchange next year, which will enable them to internationalize their shares in the bourse. Confirmed the safety, the company's investments up to 40 million pounds and it will increase the capital value of LE 60 million to size up the company's investment to one billion pounds, pointing out that the company aimed at the trend of foreign markets after the completion of company, the new factory, which will enable the company to meet the needs of the market, especially as it acquires a large size of the market for cosmetics in Egypt. The CEO of Easy resolved to enter the Arab-African Bank partner in the company confirms the strength of the company, adding that the company's expansion in the export, which is scheduled to begin in 2011 will take place through the bank's branches in the countries of the world, where the bank aims to break into the European market, and South America, In addition to the rest of the world. For his part, said Omar Bedawy fund manager of small and medium-Arab International Bank, the Bank's contribution in the company to become the investment arm of the bank comes from the Bank's support to small and medium enterprises, pointing to the Bank contributes to increase the capital of the company.
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