القاهرة - أعلنت هيئة الرقابة المالية عن طرح مسودة معايير أساسية جديدة للأداء المهني للشركات التي تزاول نشاط الاستشارات المالية في مجال الأوراق المالية.وذكرت الهيئة فى بيان لها، إن هذه المسودة تعد أولية وقابلة للتعديل وبها عدة نقاط قابلة للمناقشة وذلك فى إطار حرص الهيئة الدائم على تحقيق أهدافها الإستراتيجية والتي من ضمنها وضع القواعد والضوابط الرقابية التي تهدف الى تطوير سوق رأس المال ودعم استقراره، وحرصا من الهيئة على مشاركة كافة الجهات والأطراف المهتمة بهذا الشأن.وأوضحت أن ذلك يأتي فى إطار حرصها على مشاركة كافة أطراف منظومة سوق المال فى وضع القواعد والقوانين المنظمة من خلال تلقي الآراء والملاحظات بشأنها قبل إعدادها للنسخة النهائية من المعايير المشار إليها تمهيدا لعرضها على مجلس إدارة الهيئة لاعتمادها في صورتها النهائية.وأشارت إلى أنه قد تم إرسال نسخة من مشروع المعايير المشار اليها إلى الجهات ومؤسسات السوق والجمعيات المهنية المعنية بنشاط الاستشارات المالية ومنها، مستشاري وخبراء وزارة الاستثمار، والبورصة المصرية، والجمعية المصرية للأوراق المالية، والجمعية المصرية لإدارة الاستثمار، وجمعية المحاسبين والمراجعين المصرية، والمعهد المصري للمحاسبين والمراجعين.وتعلن الهيئة ترحيبها بتلقي الآراء والملاحظات بشأن مشروع المعايير المشار اليها خلال شهر على أن ترسل في مظروف مغلق يدون عليه عبارة (ملاحظات بشأن مشروع المعايير الأساسية للأداء المهني للشركات التي تزاول نشاط الاستشارات المالية في مجال الأوراق المالية.المصدر : جريدة الشروق
Stay in the heart of the event - financial control set new standards of professional performance of securities companies
Cairo - The FSA announced the launch of the draft criteria for new basic professional performance of companies engaged in the activity of financial consultancy in the field of securities. The association said in a statement, said that this draft is preliminary and subject to modification by several points for discussion "within the framework of keenness of the Permanent achieve strategic objectives and which included the elaboration of rules and controls, which aims to develop the capital market and support its stability, and in order from the Commission on the participation of all stakeholders and interested parties in this regard. and explained that it comes within the framework of its commitment to the participation of all parties to the system the capital market in the development of rules and laws Organized by receiving views and comments on them before preparing the final version of the standards referred to in preparation for submission to the Board of Directors for approval in its final form. She noted that he had been sent a copy of the draft standards referred to agencies and market institutions and professional associations on an active financial advisor, including, advisers and experts of the Ministry of Investment and the Stock Exchange and the Egyptian Society of securities, and the Egyptian Association for Investment Management, the Society of Accountants and Auditors, and the Egyptian Institute for Accountants and Auditors. and declare body would welcome views and comments on the draft criteria referred to in a month to be sent in a sealed envelope recorded by the word (observations on the draft basic standards of professional performance for companies engaged in financial advisory activities in the field of securities. Source: Journal sunrise
Stay in the heart of the event - financial control set new standards of professional performance of securities companies
Cairo - The FSA announced the launch of the draft criteria for new basic professional performance of companies engaged in the activity of financial consultancy in the field of securities. The association said in a statement, said that this draft is preliminary and subject to modification by several points for discussion "within the framework of keenness of the Permanent achieve strategic objectives and which included the elaboration of rules and controls, which aims to develop the capital market and support its stability, and in order from the Commission on the participation of all stakeholders and interested parties in this regard. and explained that it comes within the framework of its commitment to the participation of all parties to the system the capital market in the development of rules and laws Organized by receiving views and comments on them before preparing the final version of the standards referred to in preparation for submission to the Board of Directors for approval in its final form. She noted that he had been sent a copy of the draft standards referred to agencies and market institutions and professional associations on an active financial advisor, including, advisers and experts of the Ministry of Investment and the Stock Exchange and the Egyptian Society of securities, and the Egyptian Association for Investment Management, the Society of Accountants and Auditors, and the Egyptian Institute for Accountants and Auditors. and declare body would welcome views and comments on the draft criteria referred to in a month to be sent in a sealed envelope recorded by the word (observations on the draft basic standards of professional performance for companies engaged in financial advisory activities in the field of securities. Source: Journal sunrise