سيول (ا ف ب) - اعلن مسؤول عسكري كوري جنوبي كبير ان مناورات مشتركة جديدة بين الجيشين الكوري الجنوبي والاميركي كان يفترض ان تبدأ الاحد في البحر الاصفر ارجئت بسبب اقتراب اعصار.وقال ناطق باسم قيادة الجيش الكوري الجنوبي لوكالة فرانس برس ان المناورات التي كان يفترض ان تجرى من الخامس الى التاسع من ايلول/سبتمبر وتهدف الى توجيه تحذير الى كوريا الشمالية، ارجئت الى اجل غير مسمى.واضاف "لن تجرى تدريبات عسكرية الاحد بسبب اقتراب الاعصار مالو وسنعلن عن موعد جديد قريبا".وتندرج تدريبات الاحد في اطار سلسلة من المناروات التي تقوم بها سيول -- بمفردها او مع القوات الاميركية -- بعد غرق بارجة تابعة لها في آذار/مارس، قالت لجنة للتحقيق ان صاروخا كوريا شماليا تسبب به.ونفى النظام الشيوعي في بيونغ يانغ المدعوم من الصين هذه الاتهامات. وادى ذلك الى تصاعد التوتر في شبه الجزيرة الكورية .وهذه التدريبات اصغر من تلك التي جرت منتصف آب/اغسطس بمشاركة حوالى 56 الف جندي كوري جنوبي وثلاثين الف جندي اميركي.وينتظر وصول الاعصار مالو الى شبه الجزيرة الكورية حوالى مساء الثلاثاء، حسبما ذكرت الارصاد الجوية التي حذرت من ارتفاع مياه البحر ورياح شديدة.
Stay in the heart of the event - the U.S. military maneuvers across the South Korean due to Typhoon
SEOUL (AFP) - A military official South Koreans senior exercises new joint between the two militaries of South Korea and the U.S. was supposed to start Sunday in the Yellow Sea was postponed because of the approaching hurricane. A spokesman for the leadership of the South Korean army, told AFP that the exercises that were supposed to to take place from the fifth to the ninth of September and was aimed at sending a warning to North Korea, was postponed indefinitely. "We will not hold military exercises Sunday because of approaching Hurricane Malo and we will announce new date soon." fall drills on Sunday in a series of Almnaroat by Seoul - alone or with American forces - after the sinking of a barge in March, said a commission of inquiry said a missile was caused by the North Koreans. denied the communist regime in Pyongyang and China backed the accusations. This led to heightened tension in the Korean peninsula . These exercises smaller than those that took place mid-August with the participation of about 56 000 troops, South Koreans and 30 000 American soldiers. and waits for storm-Malo to the Korean Peninsula around Tuesday evening, according to the meteorological warned of the high sea and strong winds.
Stay in the heart of the event - the U.S. military maneuvers across the South Korean due to Typhoon
SEOUL (AFP) - A military official South Koreans senior exercises new joint between the two militaries of South Korea and the U.S. was supposed to start Sunday in the Yellow Sea was postponed because of the approaching hurricane. A spokesman for the leadership of the South Korean army, told AFP that the exercises that were supposed to to take place from the fifth to the ninth of September and was aimed at sending a warning to North Korea, was postponed indefinitely. "We will not hold military exercises Sunday because of approaching Hurricane Malo and we will announce new date soon." fall drills on Sunday in a series of Almnaroat by Seoul - alone or with American forces - after the sinking of a barge in March, said a commission of inquiry said a missile was caused by the North Koreans. denied the communist regime in Pyongyang and China backed the accusations. This led to heightened tension in the Korean peninsula . These exercises smaller than those that took place mid-August with the participation of about 56 000 troops, South Koreans and 30 000 American soldiers. and waits for storm-Malo to the Korean Peninsula around Tuesday evening, according to the meteorological warned of the high sea and strong winds.
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