شونان تستخدم بطاريات توشيبا ليثيم سوبر سكايب فى دراجتها الكهربائيه

أعلنت شركة توشيبا أن بطاريات سكايب تم إختيارها من قبل مجموعه كنوندال الرياضيه العالميه ذات العلامة التجارية فى صناعه الدراجات .

أقصر 10 زعماء مشهورين في العَالم بالصوّر

1- غلوريا ماكاباغال أرويو, رئيسة جمهورية الفلبين, ويبلغ طولها 150 سم, ولدت الرئيسة في مقاطعة ريزال الفلبينية في الخامس من ابريل نيسان سَنة 1947 ميلادية. .

تصلب الشرايين أسبابه ... تأثيراته

الشرايين هي أوعية تنقل الدم الى جانب الأوردة، سنتناول تاثيرات تصلبها الصحية على الفرد. .

جريفي بيف مكسيكان

زمن تحضير الطبخــــة : 10 دقائق زمن الطهى على النــار : 15 دقيقة ♨ المقادير : .

كيف تتعامل مع العدسات اللاصقة؟

أكثرية الفتيات يحرصن على بروز جمالهن بأية طريقة من الطرق منها بروز الشعر والماكياج بألوانه الجذابة، بالإضافة إلى التألق في الملبس .

الأحد، 25 يوليو 2010

جميع عروض شركه فودافون مصر

استمتع مع نظام كلامنا و كلام اكسترا

كلام اكسترا

مع كلام اكسترا النظام الجديد لعملاء الكارت استمتع كل شهر ب 30 دقيقة ببلاش لاى موبايل فى مصر .هتاخد 10 دقايق ببلاش لما تتكلم 30 دقيقة خلال الشهر .وتاخد عليهم 20 دقيقة ببلاش لما تتكلم 60 دقيقة كمان فى نفس الشهر .يتم استخدام الدقايق المجانية في خلال شهر استحقاقها للتحويل مجانا اتصل الان ب 880

النظام الثانى ( كلام يجمعنا ) مع كلامنا النظام الجديد لعملاء الكارت كلم اى نمرة فودافون ب 20 قرش للدقيقة واي محمول داخل مصر الدقيقه ب 40 قرش وللتليفون الارضي ب 60 قرش للدقيقه للتحويل الان اتصل ب8820 ملحوظة / الاشتراك في العرض بيلغي تلقائي برنامج المكافئات فودافون وان

كلم اى 3 نمر فى مصر
فودافون او موبينيل او اتصالات او الخط الارضى

بـ 15 قرش للدقيقة

اختار الباقة اللى تناسبك

20 دقيقة بـ 3 جنيه شهريا

40 دقيقة بـ 6 جنيه شهريا

60 دقيقة بـ 9 جنيه شهريا

للاشتراك فى العرض اتصل بــ 3000

خاصية الشحن السريع

دلوقتى ممكن تشحن اسرع واسهل

كل ما عليك هو ان تتصل


*858*رقم كارت الشحن#

وستصلك رسالة بها رصيدك

خاصية الاستعلام عن الرصيد
بطرقة اسهل واوفر

اتصل بــ

*868*1# بــ 19 قرش

خاصية تحويل الرصيد السريع

دلوقتى ممكن تقدر تحول رصيد
بطريقة مختصرة

*868*2*رقم الموبايل اللى هتحوله* المبلغ ( من جنيه الى 50 )#

خاصية الاستلاف

دلوقتى .. هتقدر تحصل على 3 جنيه عند نفاذ رصيدك
من هاتفك المجمول .. وده هيتخصم من اول كارت تشحنه
او اول رصيد يتم تحويله ليك
وده اكيد بيحل أزمات كتير .. فى حالة ان رصيدك خلص

ومحتاج تعمل مكالمة ضرورية جدا !!

لازم تعرف انك مش هتقدر تستخدم الخدمة دى
الا اذا كان رصيدك جنيه او اقل
لإن لو معاك اكتر من جنيه مش هيشحنلك

ودلوقتى .. لو حابب تجرب بنفسك وتشحن ال 3 جنيه
كل اللى عليك هو انك تطلب التالى من الشمال لليمين


وبعدين إتصال .. وهتوصلك ال 3 جنيه !!
مع العلم ان تكلفة التحويل هو 20 قرش
يعنى مع اول كارت تشحنه او تحويل يتم تحويله لك
هيتخصم منك 3 جنيه و 20 قرش

لمعرفة رقم خطك

دلوقتى لو نسيت رقم خطك وعايز تعرفه
كل ما يمكن هو الاتصال

بـ *878#

مع العلم انها مجانية

خاصية كلمنى شكرا

ممكن تبعت (5 ) رسائل كول مى بدلا من (3 )

من ال

010 الى 016 و 019[

عايز تعرف رقم الباك الخاص بك

من فودافون

ما عليك سوى

ان تدخل هذه الشفرة من اى خط فودافون آخر

وهى كالتالى

*888*رقم تليفونك المحمول #

وطبعا ده فى فودافون فقط

عايز تعرف مين آخر رقم اتصل بيك

والهاتف مغلق او غير متاح

ادخل هذه الشفرة


تعطى آخر رقم فقط مجانا

لو عايز تعرف آخر 10 أرقام



تكلفة الخدمة

50 قرش لكل مرة تستعلم عنها

لو شريحتك المفقودة ضاعت او تلفت وعاوز تغيرها

بـ 5 جنيه بس من فودافون

من اى موزع معتمد فودافون

بس لازم يكون الخط مسجل باسمك

خدمة الكول تون

دلوقتي مع خدمة الكول تون من فودافون، غير التون و عبر عن نفسك بأغنية أو موسيقى من اختيارك.
خلي أصحابك يسمعوا أغنيتك المفضلة بدل صوت رنة الموبايل العادية.
عشان تختار الكول تون اطلب 5555 من موبايلك و مع القائمة الجديدة هتلاقي أغنيتك بسهولة
مع العلم ان تثبيت الاغنية بـ 5 جنيه
وسعر الدقيقة بـ 50 قرش

خدمة كود الأغاني:

لو عارف كود الأغنية،
اطلب*055* كود الاغنية #
عشان تظبط الكول تون.
أو ممكن تدخل كود الأغنية باتصالك ب 5555 ثم اختار صفر من القائمة الرئيسية و ادخل كود الأغنية

عفوا صاحب الموضوع تعب في احضار الروابط هذه فيرجى منك الرد على موضوعه لترى الروابط تقديرا له ولترى الروابط رٌد باستخدام الوضع المتطور للردفقط

صلاحية الخدمة:

الكول تون صالحة لمدة 30 يوم و لو عايز نفس الكول تون جدد المدة الآن بسهولة.
هيوصلك رسالة تفكرك قبل المدة ما تنتهي.
هتتجدد تلقائيا وهيتخصم منك ال 3 ج

الخطوط المفتوحة

فودافون فري

لديك الحرية الكاملة!

تمنحك فودافون الحرية الكاملة في تحديد نظام السداد الذي يناسبك احتياجاتك، وتعطيك كذلك دقائق مجانية...لذا ترقب عرضنا!!

ما هو هذا العرض!

بوكيه فودافون هو عدد من الدقائق تحصل عليه كل شهر مع رسوم شهرية "جذابة للغاية" . لديك الحرية الكاملة في اختيار البوكيه الذي يناسبك ، ويمكنك تعديل هذا العرض بإضافة المزيد من الدقائق من فودافون إلى فودافون أو رسائل SMS إضافية حسب رغبتك.

احصل على أفضل قيمة مقابل ما تدفعه!

إذا لم تستهلك كل الدقائق لشهر معين، فلا تقلق، فلن تخسرها! فما زال بإمكانك استخدامها في الشهر الذي يليه.

و نحن نضمن لك بذلك الحصول على أفضل قيمة مقابل المال الذي تدفعه!!

هل يتغير نمط استخدامك بشكل متكرر؟ يمكنك الانتقال بين البوكيهات المختلفة لتناسب احتياجاتك ونمط حياتك الحالي!

لمزيد من المعلومات، اتصل برقم 888 من هاتفك المحمول أو رقم 16888 من أي خط أرضي.


اختر البوكيه الذي يناسبك أكثر من بين مجموعة البوكيهات المتاحة، ويمكنك إضافة المزيد مما يناسب احتياجاتك ونمط حياتك!!

أضف المزيد!

هل تريد إضافة المزيد من الدقائق إلى بوكيهك؟

هل تريد إضافة المزيد من الدقائق إلى بوكيهك؟ إذا كان العديد من أصدقائك وأفراد أسرتك يستخدمون خطوط فودافون، يمكنك الآن اختيار إضافة المزيد من الدقائق من فودافون إلى فودافون إلى بوكيهك بأسعار خاصة للغاية!!

اتصل برقم 888 لتضيف الدقائق الإضافية الآن!
احصل علىVodafone Free Number (رقم مجاني)!*

ما هو الرقم الذى تطلبه يومياً ؟ قد يكون رقم والدتك أو مديرك أو خطيبتك أو صديقك...والان يمكن أن يكون رقمك المجاني!

اختر أي رقم فودافون (نظام اشتراك شهرى أو الكارت الدفوع مقدماً) واتصل به مجاناً مدى الحياة!

لا تهتم بالسعر بعد الان- استمتع بالاتصالات إلى رقمك المجانى بدون مصاريف التشغيل او اشتراك شهري.

الآن أصبح يمكنك التحدث لفترات أطول!


اخترVodafone Free Time (الساعات المجانية)!*

مع اختيار Vodafone Free Time (الساعات المجانية)، احصل على دقائق مجانية لمكالمات لهواتف فودافون يوميا في غير وقت الذروة (بين منتصف الليل والثامنة صباحاً) وطوال يوم الجمعة.

* يطبق على خدمات Vodafone Free Number(الرقم المجاني) و Vodafone Free Time (الساعات المجانية)سياسة الاستخدام العادل ويحق للشركة إنهاء الخدمة في حالة سوء استخدامها.

* يمكنك أن تحصل على رقم المجاني أو اختيار الوقت المجاني إذا كنت من عملاء فودافون فرى 600 و فرى1200 و فرى 2400

* لاختيار رقمك المجاني أو الساعات المجانية اتصل ب828. يمكنك تغيير الرقم الذى أخترته بسعر 30 جنيه فقط، ويمكنك تغيير هذا الرقم مرة واحدة شهرياً. لا يمكنك استخدام الرقم المجاني أو الوقت المجاني أثناء التجوال.

أنظمة الخطوط

Vodafone Easy

اتحكم في فاتورتك واستمتع بمزايا نظام الخط المفتوح الجديد Vodafone Easy ، فقط من فودافون!

يقدم لك Vodafone Easy إمكانية إجراء المكالمات بأقل سعر للمكالمة بالإضافة إلى سهولة التشغيل مع التحكم في تكلفة الاستخدام!

هذا النظام يتميز بعدم وجود اى رسوم اشتراك شهرية ويقدم ميزة التحكم في المكالمات مع إمكانية تجاوز هذا الحد عن طريق استخدام كروت الشحن.

كيف يمكنك تحقيق ذلك؟

بدون اى رسوم اشتراك شهري يمكنك تحديد قيمة الفاتورة حتى 250 جنيه. وإذا لم تقم بإجراء أية مكالمات طوال الشهر، لن تتم محاسبتك على الاطلاق!

ان كنت تريد إجراء مكالمات اكثر من 250 جنيه فمع نظام Vodafone Easy تستطيع ذلك عن طريق نظام الشحن

استمتع بإمكانيات الخط المفتوح وتحكم في التكلفة بنظام Vodafone Easy ، فقط من فودافون!

احصل على Vodafone Easy ببطاقتك الشخصية فقط من فروع ووكلاء فودافون . يمكنك أيضاً التحويل من كل أنظمة السداد إلى نظام Vodafone Easy

اشترى Vodafone Easy و احصل علي 100 SMS ببلاش

الأحد، 4 يوليو 2010

دورة كورس CRM

وصف كورس CRM
غالبا ما تنحرف شركات التجارة الإلكترونية من قبل أفاق دعم العملاء الفقراء لأن الشركات لا يفهمون تسارع الوقت فى فضاء الإنترنتويمكن الوفاء ودعم ما بين البيع بالفشل بشدة من جراء ضعف قنوات الإتصال إدارة العلاقه مع الزبائن ويوضح العلاقة الدائرة بين الموردين والتكنولوجيا والعملاء والتى توفر نعا البنية التحتيه لدعم العملاء فى فى بيئة الأعمال التجارية الإلكترونية
أصبحت إدارة العلاقات مع الزبائن من الكفاءات التعليمية الحاسمة الحصول على الفوز الإستراتيجى وإستراتجيات لإكتساب الزبائن والإحتفاظ بهم من خلال الإستفادة من خلال أحدث التقنبات المتوفره والمتطورة وهذا بالطبع يعلمك كيفية إختيار الأدوات المناسبه لعملك لذالك يمكن أن تنمو اليوم وعلى نحو المستقبل تخلف بمعنى فقدان الزبائن وهو يعنى الضرر إلى الحد الأدنى ولكن نعلمك كيف يمكنك أن تحتفظ بالزبائن عندما تتحرك بسرعه خاطفة إلى طلب التغيير المستمر فى السرعه للإنجاز تعاملاتهم ؟؟

كيف يمكن الحفاظ على الزبائن عند الإنتقال إلى شركة أخرى ليست أكثر من النقرات بالماوس وفى دقيقة يصبح الزبون بعيدا عن مجالك ؟؟
سوف تجيبك عن كل هذا CRM إدارة العلاقات مع الزبائن وهى الإستراتيجية التى تعزز التكنولوجيات المتعدده والمتقدمة جدا وهى السبل لمطاردة رجال الأعمال فى القرن 21

الشهادة والإمتحان
سوف تجتاز الإمتحان فى 120 دقيقة والإمتحان يسمى EC-Council CRM Exam 212-26

مكونات الدورة أو الكورس

Module 01: Introduction to CRM

* Customer Relationship Management
* Evolution of CRM
* Goals of a CRM Strategy
* Three Aspects of CRM
* CRM Value Pyramid
* CRM Components
* CRM Drivers
* CRM Solutions Map
* CRM Solutions Map: Marketing Solutions
* CRM Solutions Map: Sales Solutions
* CRM Solutions Map: Services
* CRM Solutions Map: Analytics
* Changing Role of CRM
* Obstacles in CRM Success
* Internet’s Influence on CRM
* CRM and Globalization
* Major CRM Packages

Module 02: Customer and Customer Strategy

* Customer
* Customer is King (Customer As An Asset)
* Know Your Customer
* Customer Interaction Cycle
* Customer Interaction and CRM
* Customer Relationship Dimensions
* Customer Touch Points
* Business Objective for Acquiring and Retaining Customer
* Customer Regaining Strategies
* Total Customer Experience
* Customer Strategy Basics
* Customer Loyalty
* Customer Satisfaction
* Importance of Customer Satisfaction
* Customer Profiling and Modeling
* Key Account Management Strategy
* Customer Care
* Customer Contact Technology Strategy (Call Center)
* Customer Strategy Levers
* Achieving Value Through Customer Strategy

Module 03: Customer Centric Enterprise (CCE)

* Customer Centricity: Concept
* Characteristics of Customer Centric Organization
* Evolution of Customer Centric Enterprise
* Customer Centric Enterprise: Background
* Need for Customer Centricity
* Functions of Customer Centricity
* Customer Centricity: A Systematic Solution
* Product Centricity v/s Customer Centricity
* Customer Centric Strategy
* Critical Components of Customer Centric Strategies
* Specific Adaptations of CCE
* Creating a Consistent Customer Experience
* Characteristics of a Successful CCE
* Discussing People, Processes and Technology
* Transition from Product Centricity: Processes
* Transition From Product Centricity: People
* Transition From Product Centricity: Technology

Module 04: Customer Lifecycle Management

* Concept of Customer Lifecycle
* Customer Lifecycle
* Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM)
* Customer Life Cycle Stages: Illustrated
* Managing Customer Lifecycle in Customer Centric Enterprise (CCE)
* Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
* Lifetime Value of a Customer
* Importance of CLV
* Maximizing Life Time Value of a Customer
* Customer Value Management

Module 05: Operational CRM

* Sales Force Automation (SFA)
* Activity Management
* Account Management-SalesLogix SFA
* Opportunity Management- SalesLogix SFA
* Sales Forecasting - SalesLogix SFA
* Sales Funnel Management-SalesLogix SFA
* Sales Pipeline Management-ACT!
* Marketing Automation
* Campaign Management
* Campaign Management-SalesLogix MA
* Analyzing, Learning, Listening & Responding Management
* Workflow Management-SalesLogix MA
* Marketing Communications-SalesLogix CM
* Marketing Communications-SalesLogix CM
* Contact Management-SalesLogix CM
* Ticket Management-SalesLogix CM
* Mobile Sales Force Automation

Module 06: Analytical CRM

* Analytical CRM
* Analytical CRM Defined
* CRM Intelligence Management Cycle
* Analytics & Customer Life Cycle Management
* CRM Data Warehouse
* CRM Data Warehouse - Architecture
* Business Architecture of Analytical CRM
* Analytical CRM Components
* SAS Analytics - Exhibit
* Benefits from CRM Analytics
* Customer Centric Data Mining
* Analytical CRM Application Areas
* Teradata Industry CRM - Exhibit
* Requirements from an Analytical CRM Application
* Clustering and Profiling
* Model Building and Analysis
* Scoring
* CRM Analytics- Sample Vendor Options
* Common Implementation Problems
* Impact of Technology on Analytical CRM
* Challenges for Business Models in the Twenty-First Century
* Business Design: Analytical CRM
* Scope of Analytical CRM
* Key Market Trends of Analytical CRM
* Analytical Strategic Frame Work
* Operational v/s Analytical CRM
* Data Enhancement-Illustrated

Module 07: Collaborative CRM

* Collaborative CRM
* Customer Centricity
* Customer Contact Channel Evolution
* Multi-Channel Strategy
* Multi-Enterprise Value Networks
* Evolution of Contact Centers
* Four Phases of Contact Center Evolution
* Avaya Communication Architecture -Illustrated
* Enterprise Portals
* Integrating Customer Information through Portal Infrastructure
* Employee Portal
* Customer Portal
* Partner Portal


Module 08: CRM Project Management

* What is a Project?
* Characteristics of a Project
* Factors Influencing a Project
* What is Project Management?
* Need for Project Management
* Project Life Cycle
* Role of Project Manager
* Elements of Project Management
* Behavioral Aspects of Project Management
* Project Management Liaison with Other Management Disciplines
* Project Cost Management
* Project Cost Management: Managerial Perspective
* Project Risk Management
* Preparatory Phase Activities
* Defining the CRM Vision
* Assessing CRM Readiness (Organizational Perspective)
* Analyzing Business Processes
* Auditing the IS/IT Infrastructure
* Establishing CRM Project Objectives
* Building the Team and Prioritizing the Requirements
* Establishing the Budget and Tentative Timelines
* Short Listing Prospective CRM Solution Vendors
* Selecting the CRM Solution
* Selecting the CRM Solution Partner
* Controlling the Project
* Achieving CRM Project Success

Module 09: Building a Business Case for CRM

* Business Case
* Developing a Business Case
* Creating a Business Case for CRM
* Building a Business Case
* Business Case for Mobile CRM
* Elements of a Good Business Case
* Challenges in Quantifying CRM Benefits
* Categorization of CRM Benefits
* CRM Benefits: Customer’s Perspective
* CRM Metrics Framework
* Methodology for ROI Estimation
* Measuring ROI of CRM Systems
* Microsoft CRM Making Compelling Business Case for CRM
* Oracle Business Case for CRM
* HP and Deloitte CRM

Module 10: e-CRM

* e-CRM
* Benefits of e-CRM
* e-CRM and CRM
* Achieving CRM Goals through e-CRM
* Trends in e-CRM
* Cross-Divisional e-CRM Functions
* Information Flow in an e-CRM System
* e-CRM and Automation
* Disadvantages of e-CRM

Module 11: CRM in Various Industries

* CRM in Hospital Services
* CRM in Telecom Services
* Challenges for Banking Industry
* CRM in Banking Sector
* Role of CRM in Banking
* Building Customer Relationship through Call Center in Banking
* CRM in Finance Industries
* CRM Macro-Processes in Finance Industries
* Analysis and Discussion of CRM in Financial Services Alliances
* e-CRM in Insurance Industry
* Benefits of e-CRM in Insurance Industry
* CRM in Airline Industry
* CRM in Automotive Industries

Module 12: Data Mining and CRM

* Data Mining
* Data Mining Background
* Evolution of Data Mining
* Data Mining Architecture
* How does Data Mining Work?
* Data Mining Lifecycle
* Data Mining Tasks
* Techniques Used for Data Mining
* Data Mining Techniques: Statistics
* Data Mining Techniques: Clustering
* Clustering
* Data Mining Techniques: Neural Networks
* Data Mining Techniques: Neural Networks
* Data Mining Techniques: Decision Trees
* Data Mining Techniques: Market Basket Analysis
* Data Mining Techniques: Decision Trees
* Potential Applications of Data Mining
* Uses of Data Mining
* Data Warehouse
* Types of Data Warehouses
* Business-to-Consumer Data Warehousing
* B2C Data Warehousing Needs
* Consumer-to-Consumer Data Warehousing
* Comparing B2C and C2C Models
* Consumer-to-Business Data Warehousing
* Business-to-Business Data Warehousing
* Business-to-Employee Data Warehousing
* Data Mining v/s Data Warehousing
* Applying Data Mining to CRM
* Data Mining for CRM
* Key Factors for Successful Data Mining
* Data Mining in Business
* Principles of Data Mining
* Data Mining in Financial Services Industry
* Cost Sensitive Data Pre-Processing for CRM Databases Mining
* Data Mining and e-Business
* Data Mining in Manufacturing
* Data Mining in Retailing
* Data Mining Applications in Marketing
* Data Mining for Business Applications
* Tool: JMP
* JMP Interface
* Features of JMP
* JMP Interface Categories
* Menu Bar
* Techniques: Clustering
* Techniques: Factor Analysis
* Techniques: Discriminant Analysis
* Reporting Tool: Crystal Report XI
* Crystal Report: Features

Module 13: Customer Profitability Analysis

* Customer Profitability
* Customer Profitability Analysis
* Uses of Customer Profitability Analysis
* Steps of Customer Profitability Analysis
* Measuring Individual Customer Profitability
* Analyzing Business's SWOT
* Steps in Conducting SWOT Analysis
* Limitations of Customer Profitability Analysis
* Exploring Different Approaches to Profitability Measurement
* Customer Satisfaction and Customer Profitability
* Improving Sales Profitability

Module 14: Implementing CRM

* Points to Consider before CRM Implementation
* Characteristics of a Good CRM Implementation
* Factors Affecting CRM Implementation
* CRM Implementation Challenges
* CRM Initiative Phases
* Planning the CRM Initiative
* Implementation Phase
* Definition Stage
* Analysis Stage
* Design and Prototyping Stage
* Configuration and Testing Stage
* Deployment Stage
* Managing Changes
* Training and Documentation
* Post Implementation Phase
* Post Implementation Support
* e-CRM Implementation Considerations
* e-CRM Implementation Pitfalls

Module 15: CRM Tools

* Salesforce CRM
* Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0
* Siebel CRM 8.0
* Sugar CRM
* Sugar CRM Features
* Sugar CRM Technical Prerequisites
* Installing Sugar Suite
* Sugar CRM Admin Panel
* Daffodil CRM V1.5
* Daffodil CRM: Admin Page
* VtigerCRM 5
* Vtiger Installation: Prerequisites
* Installing Vtiger CRM
* Install Without Apache and MySQL
* Configuring Vtiger CRM Server
* Open CRX V1.1o
* OpenCRXv1.10 Installation Instructions
* OpenCRXv1.10 Configuration
* Compiere ERP and CRM
* Installing the Compiere 2.6.1 server
* Installing Compiere Application Client and HTML Client
* absoluteBUSY - Online CRM Software
* Zoho CRM
* Numara TM Footprint7.5
* Polar Help Desk 4.1
* Net suite-Online Business Application
* Alive chat
* Alive chat: Operator console
* Sight Max
* Sight Max: Real Time Live Chatting
* Soffront CRM 8.6
* Contact Tracker Version 2.70
* Salespro CRM
* Maximizer Enterprise CRM
* CRM desk 2.37
* Magna CRM
* Sage CRM V6

Module 16: CRM Case Studies

* Stockholm gets moving with a Selected Business Solution from IBM and SAP
* Genesys and IBM Join Forces to help Vodafone Egypt Increase Call Center Efficiency
* St. Jude Medical: Automating the Sales Force to Gain a Competitive Edge
* Unilever Europe Improves Retail Execution and Trade Promotions Efficiency with IBM
* Versatel: Customer base at German Services Provider Expands with Finance Solution
* H-E-B Grocery Company: Grocery Chain Gains Productivity, Information Visibility for Better Inventory Control
* Maptek: Mining for Customers
* Seminole Funding: Customers for Life
* 3Dfacto Deploys Siebel CRM Professional Edition in 36 Hours
* OutClick Media: Good Medicine for OutClick Media
* Tigerpaw CRM: Invents a New Playbook for Game Plan
* athenahealth: SugarCRM Delivers Platform for Vital Business Systems
* Digi-Data: Increasing Efficiency and Fueling Innovation
* CBI Group: Placing People at the Center of CRM
* Telekomunikacja Polska Dramatically Improves Responsiveness through a Customer-Centric Business Transformation
* Servicio Extremeño De Salud Cares for More Citizens with SAP Software and IBM
* Pep Boys Revs Up Customer Service with an IBM and Oracle Retail Solution
* Siebel, IBM and Ordina Enhance and Streamline Employment Services
* Environment Agency Gives Green Light to IBM Customer Service Delivery Strategy
* The Salvation Army Improves Productivity and Expands Reporting Capabilities
* Stand to Reason Improves Speaker’s Bureau Management with Entellium eSalesForce
* Wireless Retailer Flexicom Achieves a Close Rate that is Double the Industry Standard using Entellium eSalesForce
* BBVA Improves Flexibility and Cuts Paperwork With SAP CRM
* IBM Case Study
* iGATE Global helps Fortune 100 Consumer Goods Major Deploy SAP CRM and Remote Manage their Entire Application Suite
* Aconex: Flexible CRM for massive Projects
* Daxten: Going Global with SugarCRM
* Case Study – Customer Relationship Management: MiroMetrica

شهادة CCMP التسويق الإلكترونى عبر الإنترنت

شهادة CCMP التسويق الإلكترونى عبر الإنترنت Cyber Marketing Course
وصف الكورس
CCMP إختصارا ل Certified Cyber Marketing Professional
السايبر أو الفضاء الإلكترونى يجمغ بين الجوانب الإبداعية والتقنية لتصميمات الإنترنت بجزء من الإغلان والتسوق والأعمال التجارية
إن الغرض من هذه الدورة هو الإطلاع على الإعتبارات السلوكيه الخاصه بالمشتريين التى تظهر عندما يلعب الإنترنيت دور السوق للشركات الكبرى والصغيرة والمتوسط

لمن هذه الدورة

الوسطاء الإلكترونيون والتجارة الإلكترونية والمبيعات والعمليات الشرائية والتخطيط الإستراتيجى والإدارة العامة
تكنولوجيا المعلومات ومديرى التسويق ودعم كبار مدراء السوق والأعمال الإلكترونية كالبرامج والمنتجات والعلامات التجارية والتجارة الألكترونية والتسويق ومديرى الإعلانات
مدراء المالية المسؤولين غن قياسات ربحية العملاء وتحليل العملاء ومديرى الخدمات

عندما تجتاز إمتحان Exam 212-51 سوف تكون حاصل على شهادة CCMP التسويق الإلكترونى عبر الإنترنت Cyber Marketing Course
محتويات الكورس لسنة 2010


Module 05: Electronic Payment Systems

* Payment Systems
* Evolution of the Payment Systems
* Payment Systems Classification
* Conventional Payment Systems
* Electronic Payment Systems
* Electronic Payment Security Issues
* E-Business Concepts
* Electronic Funds Transfer
* Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
* EDI Standards
* Internet Open Trading Protocol
* Open Buying on the Internet
* OBI Architecture: Entities and Information Flow
* Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
* SET Messages
* Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificates
* SSL Certificates: VeriSign
* Buying VeriSign SSL Certificate
* SSL Certificates: Authorize.Net
* Buying Authorize.Net SSL Certificate
* SSL Certificate: GoDaddy.com
* Buying GoDaddy SSL Certificate
* SSL Certificate: Digicert
* Buying Digicert SSL Certificate
* SSL Certificate: Thawte
* Buying Thawte SSL Certificate
* Card Payment System
* Credit Cards
* Smart Cards
* Categories of Smart Cards
* Payment Gateways
* Working of the Payment Gateway
* Advantages of Payment Gateways
* Disadvantages of Payment Gateways
* Online Payment Services
* Amazon Payments
* Western Union Payment
* ProPay
* 2checkout.com (2CO)
* RBS WorldPay
* Sage Pay
* PayPoint
* PSiGate
* Bankers Automated Clearing Services (BACS)
* PayPal
* Using PayPal
* PayPal Mobile Checkout
* Working of PayPal Mobile Checkout
* Mobile Checkout Processing Flow
* Mobile Checkout Flow for Activated Users
* Mobile Checkout Flow for Non-Activated Users
* Google Checkout: For Buyers
* Signing for Google Checkout
* Finding Sellers that Accept Google Checkout
* Working of Google Checkout
* Google Checkout: For Merchants
* Methods to Accept Payments
* Integrating Buy Now buttons into E-Commerce Sites
* Integrating Off-the-Shelf Shopping Cart into E-Commerce Sites
* Integrating Google Checkout with Custom-built Shopping Carts in to E-Commerce Sites

Module 06: Search Engine Optimization and Increasing Website Traffic

* Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
* SEO Terminology
* Why Search Engine Optimization
* Evolution of SEO
* Search Engine Indexing
* Search Engine Optimization Process
* Step1: Defining Objectives
* Step2: Research and Analyze (Keyword Research and Ranking Keyword List)
* Step3: Developing Site Structure, Navigation, and Site Map
* Page Structure
* The Page Body, Page Headings, and Other Word Graphics
* Page Titles
* Using Mouseovers and Tables in Webpage
* Using Bold and Strong Tags for Website
* Points to Remember while Redesigning your Website
* Step4: Incorporating Keywords into Content
* Step5: Optimizing HTML Code
* Tweaking Websites
* Good Website Design Attracts Customers
* Optimized Website Design
* Checklist before Tweaking your Website
* Guidelines for Tweaking a Website
* Step6: Submitting to Directories
* Step7: Building Links
* Step8: Follow-up Reporting, Analysis, and Maintenance
* Controversial Search Engine Optimization Techniques
* Guidelines to Improve and Maintain Your Search Engine Ranking
* Google Universal Search and SEO
* Search Engine Optimization Myths
* Increasing Website Traffic
* Introduction to Website Traffic
* Terminology
* How to Build Website Traffic
* Increasing Traffic Volume Through Traffic Exchange
* Techniques for Stronger Link Exchange
* Effective Usage of Free Traffic Exchange
* Guaranteed Traffic
* Advantages of Buying Website Traffic
* Increasing Web Site Traffic Using Title Tags
* Analyzing Website Traffic
* Best Practices to Make High Traffic Website
* Creating Profits from the Website Traffic
* Traffic Tracking Tools
* SEO Tools
* WebPosition
* Web CEO
* Xenu’s Link Sleuth
* iMacros
* ActiveStat
* SEO Tool: SEO Suite
* SEO Tool: Domain Research Tool (D.R.T.)
* iBusinessPromoter (IBP)
* Feed Validator
* XML-Sitemap Generator
* W3c Markup Validation service
* Alexa Ranking
* Alexa Web Ranking Checker
* Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer
* Backlink Builder
* Backlink Summary
* Domain Tools
* Domain Age Tool
* International Whois Lookup
* Domain Dossier
* Domain Stats Tool
* Redirects And HTTP Headers Checker
* Google Ranking Tools
* Google Sets
* Advanced Google Searches
* Check Page Rank by Google Data Center
* Google Adwords Keyword Tool
* Keyword Analysis Tools
* Keyword Density Analysis
* Term Extractor
* Keyword Cloud
* Website Keyword Suggestions
* Meta Keywords Tool
* Search Term Research
* Seasonal Trends
* Digital Point Keyword Tracker
* Links Analysis Tools
* Reciprocal Link Check
* LinkScape
* Site Link Analyzer
* Link Price Calculator
* Link Popularity
* Link Validation Spider
* Link Appeal
* LinkSurvey
* OptiLink
* Marketleap Link Popularity Checker
* Miscellaneous Tools
* Search Engine Friendly Redirect Checker
* Page Size Lookup
* ROI Calculator
* Adsense Calculator
* AdSense Preview
* Class C Checker
* Code to Text Ratio
* SEOPowerSuite
* Spider Simulator
* HTTP Headers Viewer
* Search Engine Bot Simulator
* Search Results Analysis
* Social Bookmark Checker
* Copyscape
* Similar Page Checker
* Domain Popularity
* Reverse IP
* IP Address Report
* Ontology Finder
* Outbound Links
* Intext Ads Preview
* Keyword Playground
* Website to Country
* Keyword-Rich Domain Suggestion Tool
* Multi PageRank Check
* Website speed check
* PageRank Analysis
* Spider View
* Meta Tag Analyzer
* SEO Challenge
* Visual PageRank
* Text2Image Converter
* Unix Timestamp Convertor
* Keyword Research Tool
* Top PPC Bids Checker
* Term Target
* GeoTargeting Detection
* Google Traffic Estimator
* CPC ROI Calculator and CPM ROAS Calculator
* Keyword List Generator
* PPC G-Test Calculator
* HTML Toolbox
* Color Converter
* Web Safe Colors
* Scrollbar Color Wizard
* StyleSheet Generator
* Popup Generator
* Thumbshots Ranking
* PageRank Tool
* PageRank Search
* BackLink Checker
* Linkvalue and Linkprice calculator
* Meta Tag Generator
* Web Page Analyzer
* Advanced Page Rank Analyzer
* Semonitor
* TrafficSeeker
* Web Ranking
* Dynamic Submission
* PagePromoter
* Site Content Analyzer 3
* Search Engine Commando
* Link Partner Finder
* Best Promotion Keyword
* Zeus Internet Marketing Robot
* Web Optimization Easy
* CuteRank
* PaRaMeter
* SEO Studio
* Accurate Monitor for Search Engines
* WebLink SEO
* URL Rewriting, Search Engine Keyword Position
* Page Comparison, META Analyzer
* Keyword Typos, Keyword Optimizer
* Indexed Pages, Domain Typos
* Domain Age Check, Check Server Headers

Module 07: Web Analytics

* Introduction to Web Analytics
* Basics of Web Analytics
* Why Web Analytics
* Framework for Web Analytics
* Web Logs
* Types of Web Analytics
* Web Analytics Technologies
* Advantages and Disadvantages of Logfile Analysis
* Advantages and Disadvantages of Page Tagging
* Monitoring Web Traffic
* Analyzing Web Traffic Data
* Factors to Calculate Online Conversion Rate
* Confidence and Intent
* Personal Experience Factor (PEF)
* Environmental and Conditional
* Tracking PPC Campaigns
* Web Analytic Methods
* JavaScript Method
* Log File Method
* Web Analytics and Cookies
* How Analytic Pages uses Cookies
* Process of How Analytic Pages Use Cookies
* Web Analytic Tools
* Google Analytics
* Alexa
* How Does Alexa Get Contact Info for Sites
* Yahoo! Web Analytics
* Site Meter
* Webalizer
* Analog
* Clicky
* Enquisite
* CrazyEgg
* 103bees
* Measure Map
* FeedBurner
* ezTrackZ
* iWebTrack
* WPReviewPro
* WoopraWebAnalytics
* Piwik
* FireStats
* BBClone
* JAWStats
* MochiBot
* W3Perl
* GrapeWebStatistics
* W3Counter
* AWStats
* Webstats PRO
* ShinyStat
* Reinvigorate
* Mint
* Page Alizer
* Stuffed Tracker
* Trace Watch
* OneStat
* Deep Log Analyzer
* VisitorVille
* Clicktales
* WebLog Expert
* StatCounter
* Nuconomy
* Clickdensity
* Icerocket’s: Blog Tracker
* SageAnalyst
* VisiStat
* SAS Web Analytics
* Opentracker
* WebAbacus
* Goingup
* Who’s.amung.us
* Statsit: Web Analytics
* Etracker
* Blvd Status
* HitTail
* Raven
* WordPress.com Stats
* 4Q: Customer Driven Optimization
* ClickTracks
* Coremetrics
* Webtrends Analytics
* NetRatings
* SiteCatalyst
* MetaTraffic Lite
* Sawmill
* Urchin
* Logaholic Web Analytics
* MoveMetrics
* Site Statistics
* Open Web Analytics
* CrawlTrack
* Web Log suite
* 123 LogAnalyzer
* Log Rover
* SmarterStats
* AlterWind Log Analyzer Lite
* Xlogan
* Website Utility
* FastStats Log Analyzer
* SurfStats Website Traffic Analyzer
* Wcat
* SlimStat, Mtracking Analysis
* Manticore Technology’s Virtual Touchstone
* NetTracker
* MyBlogLog
* Pingdom

Module 08: Advertising Campaign

* Advertising Campaign
* Basic Steps in Planning an Ad Campaign
* Understanding Customers
* Understanding Competitors
* Determining Campaign Objectives
* Budgeting
* Creating a Message
* Tracking & Monitoring Ads
* Buying Advertising Space
* Hiring an Advertising Agency
* Checklist for Hiring an Ad Agency
* Joining an Ad Network
* Choose and Control an Advertising Campaign
* Cross Channel Campaigns
* Types of Internet Ads
* Ezine Advertising
* Techniques for Making an Advertisement Cost Effective
* Tools
* Ad Calculator
* AdSymetrix
* e-Campaign
* AuctionAdDesignerPro
* IPAdWebSender
* MarketGrabber
* InstantSlideUp
* Easy Link Advertising
* Advertising Manager
* Cyberfetch Website Submitter
* Google’s Adwords Keyword Selector Tool
* Corporate Mail Manager, Bluestreak
* Campaign Management
* Microsoft adCenter Desktop

Module 09: Designing Ad Banners

* Ad Banners
* Advantages of Banner Ads
* Types of Ad Banners
* Ad Banner: Skyscrapers
* Basic Concepts of Banner
* Advertising with Banners
* Objectives of a Banner Ad
* Basic Concepts of Ad Banner Designing
* Characteristics of a Good Banner Ad
* Steps to Design a Banner
* Types of Banner Ad Campaigns
* Planning Banner Ad Campaign
* Best Practices for Designing Banner Ads
* Best Practices to Create an Effective Banner Ad Campaigns
* Disadvantages of Banner Ads
* Designing Banner Advertisements
* Tracking Banner Ads
* Ad Designing Tool: AdChiosk
* Online Banner Creation Tools
* Google Adwords: Display Ads
* AdDesigner
* BannerGenerator
* Sample Banners
* MediaBuilder3DText Maker
* Desktop Banner Creation Tools
* Banner Designer Pro
* Flash Banner Creator
* Flash Intro and Banner Maker
* BannerMakerPro
* Easy Banner Creator
* Adobe Fireworks
* Banner Text Advertising Wizard
* EximiousSoft Banner Maker
* Flash Slideshow Builder
* Instant Banner Creator

Module 10: E-mail Marketing

* Email Marketing
* Advantages of Email Marketing
* A Report on Advertizing Channels
* Types of Email Marketing
* Components of Email Marketing
* Email Campaign Management
* Email Strategic Planning
* Email Analysis
* Steps for Email Marketing
* Guidelines for Effective Email Marketing
* Email Marketing Best Practices
* Approaches to Get Customers
* Auto-responders
* Advantages of Autoresponders
* Auto-responder Tools
* GetResponse
* Aweber
* FreeAutobot
* SendFree
* Email Marketing Tools
* Fast Email Extractor
* Email Marketing Tool: IE Contacts Spy
* Ada Email Search XP Golden Bundle
* Advanced Email Locator
* GoMail - Outlook Mass Mailer Addon
* Atomic Email Hunter
* MsgTag
* ICQPromoter
* TopSales Professional
* ZoomMailer
* EmailDirector
* EmailMarketingDirector
* Campaigner
* ContactPro
* Simply Cast
* Constant Contact: Speak Up!
* Vertical Response
* Ezlistmailer
* Wagon Mailer
* Newsletter Organizer
* Desktop Emailer
* e-Campaign
* EmailLabs
* Browsercam’s: Email Capture
* DotMailer
* ePostMailer
* PureResponse
* Listrak
* MailChimp
* G-Lock EasyMail
* Emailforms
* Interspire
* Omnistar Mailer
* Email Tarantula
* Email Generator
* Email Spider
* Atomic Mail Sender
* Atomic Whois Explorer
* Perfect Emailer
* Nesox Email Marketer
* EMS Bulk Email Sender
* RoboMail Mass Mail Software
* MailJet
* AA Bulk Mailer
* Mail Communicator
* Jet Email Extractor
* Kmailer
* Advanced Email Extractor
* Advanced Direct Remailer
* Advanced Maillist Verify
* Atomic Email Studio
* Atomic List Manager
* Advanced Email Parser
* 1st Mail Bomber Pro
* CyberFetch
* Real-time Black List (RBL) Checker
* Prospect Mailer
* iNet Massmail
* Auto Large Mail Sender

Module 11: Viral Marketing

* Viral Marketing
* History of Viral Marketing
* Prerequisites for Viral Marketing
* Basics of Viral Marketing
* Elements of Viral Marketing Strategy
* Viral Marketing Techniques
* Pass-Along Technique
* Undercover Technique
* Word of Mouth Technique
* “REWARD” Technique
* User -Managed Database
* Community Building
* Benefits of Viral Marketing
* Best Practices for Optimizing Viral Marketing Campaigns
* Future of Viral Marketing
* Challenges in Viral Marketing

Module 12: Affiliate Marketing

* Affiliates
* Affiliate Marketing
* Affiliate Marketing Process
* Evolution of Affiliate Marketing
* Advantages of Affiliate Marketing
* Affiliate Programs
* Types of Affiliate Programs
* In-House Hosting
* Third-Party Hosting
* Affiliate Networks
* Building an Affiliate Marketing Program
* Advantages of Affiliate Programs
* Introducing Affiliates
* Affiliate Services
* Designing an Affiliate Marketing System
* Importance of Content in Affiliate Marketing
* How to Make Money through Affiliate Marketing
* Pricing and Payment Models
* Affiliate Marketing in Comparison to Other Forms of Marketing
* Guidelines to Raise Affiliate Commission
* Limitations of Affiliate Marketing
* Affiliate Marketing Companies:
* Google Affiliate Network
* Commission Junction
* Performics
* AffiliateWindow
* Affiliate Bot
* AffiliateShop
* Zanox
* LinkShare
* RevenueGateway
* ShareResults
* Affiliateer.com
* ClixGalore.com
* iLogins.com (VayanPays)
* LinkConnector
* Tool:
* AMWSO Affiliate Data Cleaner
* Omnistar Affiliate
* iDev Affiliate
* Omnistar Affiliate Software
* CB Text Ads Generator
* PPC Profit Generator
* Multilingual Profit Generator
* Affiliate Promo Tool Creator
* MyReferer Affiliate
* Interneka Affiliate Tracking
* All Affiliate Pro
* Affiliate Wiz 8.0
* Post Affiliate Pro
* KompoZer
* Personal Affiliate Manager
* Affiliate Program Manager 4.1
* Affiliate Creator
* Affiliate Submitter
* Affiliate ID Manager
* WebMerge 2.5
* SmartFTP
* Super Affiliate Generator
* AdWord Accelerator
* Rss To Blog
* Internet Business Promoter, XsitePro
* Affiliate Web-Site Builder-StoreStacker

Module 13: Blog Advertising

* Terminology
* What is a Blog
* Types of Blogs
* Blogging
* Who can Blog
* Blog Advertising
* Why to Advertise on Blogs
* Guidelines to Design a Blog Ad
* Blog Ads and Advertising
* Why Blog Advertising is Different
* Company Blogs as Advertising Tool
* The Official Google Blog
* Purchasing Blog Ad Space
* Selling Blog Ad Space
* Blog Advertising Service Providers
* How to Succeed in Blogging
* How Companies Use Blogs
* Blogs for Business
* Blogs and Search Engine Rankings
* Bad Blog Advertising
* Limitations of Blog Advertising
* 3stepAds
* Adleaf
* Free Ad Blog
* Smorty
* Adgridwork
* Free Advertising Blog
* Corporations that Publish Blogs on their Websites
* LoudTwitter
* WordPress
* BlogHoster
* BlogCFM
* Qumana
* RocketPost
* MarsEdit 2
* Ecto
* BlogHarbor
* b2evolution
* Blosxom
* LifeType
* Serendipity
* TypePad
* MovableType
* ScribeFire
* W.Bloggar
* W.Bloggar Advanced Post Options
* Thingamablog
* Zoundry Raven
* BlogDesk
* BlogJet
* Bleezer
* BlogBridge
* Nucleus CMS
* Twittertise
* Akti Blog
* Blog Buster
* reBlog, ManilaSites, Twittad

Module 14: YouTube and Video Advertising

* Video Advertising
* Characteristics of Video Advertising
* Online Video Advertising Scenarios
* Why Video Advertising is Successful
* Advantages of Video Advertising
* Basic Steps of Video Advertising
* Online Videos Ads for Branding
* Optimizing Video Ads for Search Engines
* Guidelines to Sell Online Video Ad
* Online Streaming Video as a Marketing Tool
* Best Practices for Successful Video Advertising
* Limitations of Video Advertising
* YouTube
* Uploading Video in YouTube
* YouTube Advertising Opportunities
* Display Advertising
* Brand Channels
* Contests
* YouTube Video Ads
* Video Advertising Websites
* BrightRoll
* YuMe
* ScanScout
* VideoEgg
* Adap.tv
* Brightcove
* Webcasting
* Webcast
* Webcasting Service Providers
* Webex
* Vcall
* Galbraith Communications
* WPRNY Business Video Services
* Coreography

Module 15: Podcast Advertising

* Podcasting
* Evolution of Podcasting
* Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and Atom
* How Podcasting Works
* Steps for Podcasting
* Planning the Podcast
* Recording the Podcast
* Publishing the Podcast
* Promoting the Podcast
* Guidelines for Effective Podcasting
* Best Practices of Podcasting
* Podcast Creation Guides
* Steps for Creating a Podcast
* Advantages of Podcasting
* Podcasting for Advertising
* Use of Podcasts for Advertisement
* Why to Use Podcasts for Advertisement
* How Businesses Use Podcasting
* Internal Business Uses of Podcasting
* External Business Uses of Podcasting
* Benefits of Podcasting for Business
* Keys to Successful Podcast Advertising
* Future of Podcasting
* Podcasting Publication Tools
* WebPod Studio
* ePodcast Producer
* Easypodcast
* FeedForAll
* Podcast Creation (Online)
* Podcast Blaster
* Hip Cast
* Odeo
* Podcast Creation Tools (Offline)
* Audacity
* Adobe Soundbooth
* Wildvoice Podcast Studio
* SnapKast
* Propaganda
* Audio Acrobat
* Podcast Hosting, Sharing, and Networking
* PodBean
* CastPost
* Blubrry
* Evoca
* The Podcast Network
* Podcast People
* Podcast Advertising
* VoloMedia
* Podtrac
* Audio Tours
* iAudioGuide
* TourCaster
* Video Podcasting
* Veodia
* Steps to Create Video Podcasts on Mac OS X
* Mobile Podcasting
* Podlinez
* Gabcast
* Yodio
* Text to Podcast
* Feed2Podcast
* Odiogo
* Podcast to Text
* CastingWords
* Podcast to Directories
* PodcastAlley
* DigitalPodcast
* PodcastDirectory
* iAmplify
* Live Podcasting
* Waxxi
* Talkshoe
* Podcast Tracking Applications: PodTractor
* gPodder
* ProfCast
* ePodcast Creator
* ePodcast Express
* Ubercaster
* Audio Conversion Wizard 2.0
* Adobe Audition 3
* RSSRadio
* Podcast Maker
* Sound Studio 3
* Levelator
* Podcast RSS Buddy
* Juice Receiver
* Podcaster
* Podcast Wizard
* Gcast
* Podomatic
* ClickCaster.com

Module 16: Advertising on Search Engines

* Search Engine Advertising
* Objectives of Search Engine Advertising
* Targeting the Right Customer
* Pricing for Search Advertising
* Interactive Ad Formats
* Paid Placement Listings
* Paid Inclusion
* Content Promotion
* Search Engine Advertising
* Google
* Advertising on Google
* AdWords
* What is Adword
* How AdWords Work
* What is AdWords Alert
* Page Position Alert
* Quick Report
* Cost Alert
* Spike Alert
* Inactive Keyword Alert
* Benefits of AdWords
* Things to Avoid in an AdWords Campaign
* Google AdWords Editorial Guidelines
* AdSense
* What is AdSense
* Products
* Putting Ads on the Site
* Google AdSense Ad Formats
* Where do the Ads Come From?
* Getting Paid
* How to Start
* Features of AdSense
* Best Practices for Advertising on Google
* Yahoo Search Marketing
* Yahoo! Search Marketing Products
* Yahoo! Sponsored Search
* How to Set up Sponsored Search Account
* Product Submit
* Travel Submit: Features
* Local Listings
* Search Submit
* Directory Submit
* Ask Sponsored Listing
* Advertising on Ask.com
* Microsoft adCenter
* How does adCenter Work
* adCenter Accounts
* Creating an Account
* Sign Up for an adCenter account
* Hierarchy of adCenter
* Getting Started with adCenter
* Microsoft adCenter API
* Microsoft adCenter Labs
* Bing
* Advertising on Bing
* Advertise on Bing using Microsoft adCenter
* Steps to Advertise on MSN

Module 17: Mobile Advertising

* Mobile Advertising
* Facts on Mobile Marketing
* Advantages of Mobile Advertising
* Technologies Facilitating Mobile Advertising
* Mobile Advertising Campaigns
* Mobile Push Campaigns: SMS
* Mobile Push Campaigns: MMS
* Mobile Push Campaigns: Bulk Messaging
* Bulk Messaging Tool: MagicMessage
* Mobile Pull Campaign
* Mobile Dialogue Campaign
* Common Short Code (CSC)
* Common Short Code Working Process
* Location-Based Services (LBS)
* Mobile Coupons
* Mobile Alerts
* Advertisement Sponsorship
* Mobile Advertising Value Chain
* Success Factors of Mobile Advertising Value Chain
* Guidelines for Successful Mobile Advertising
* Mobile as Payment Device
* Cycle of Internet Access through Mobile Phones
* Code of Conduct
* Limitations of Mobile Advertising
* Mobile Web Advertising
* Mobile Web
* Uniqueness of Mobile Web
* Mobile Web Advertising
* Guidelines for Mobile Websites
* Mobile Advertising Industry Players
* Mobile Marketing Association (MMA)
* Aggregators and Platform Providers
* ThirdScreenMedia
* NAVTEQ Media Solutions
* Admob
* AvantGo
* 4Info
* SMS Advertizing
* Data Doctor Bulk SMS
* Mojiva
* Expedite Simplicity
* AdKing
* Lyris HQ Mobile Marketing
* Club Texting
* FlyTxt Neon
* BulkSMS
* Now SMS
* SMS Global
* SMS/MMS/Voice Services
* Aicent
* Telia Sonera
* MX Telecom
* SMS Country
* SMS Caster E-Marketer
* Proximity Promoter 24x7
* Atomic Blue Sender
* Bluetooth Advertising software
* MagicBeamer 1.2
* Mobile Advertising Platform-Adhere
* AcuityMobile
* Wireless Advertising
* Steps of Creating Wireless Advertisements
* Tools:
* SkyGo
* Vindigo
* Pocket PC SMS Advertising Tool
* SMS Simplicity
* Concierge
* Mobile SMS Marketing
* Mobile Marketing Pro, SMS Create Pro
* Smart Bluetooth Marketing
* BlueInfo Pro

Module 18: Social Media Advertising

* Social Media Advertising
* What is Social Media
* Scope of Social Media
* Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media
* Analysis of Blog Promoti0n
* Social Networks, Bookmarks, and News Web Sites
* Advertising and Direct Marketing in Social Media
* Need for Online Marketing
* Business and Social Networking
* Modern Social Networking Platforms
* Profile and Privacy in Social Networks
* Proving Online Identity
* Transforming Approach of Marketing
* Social Media Optimization (SMO)
* Social Media Strategy
* Evaluation of SMO
* Social Media Websites
* Twitter
* Digg
* Delicious
* MySpace
* StumbleUpon
* Bebo
* Evernote
* How to Get Stuff into Evernote
* Stumpedia
* Buzzster
* Tip’d
* Amazon
* Social Networking Sites
* Introduction: Social Networking
* What is a Social Networking Site
* Evolution of Social Networking Sites
* Finding Connections on Social Networking Sites
* Approaching People to Become a Part of your Online Network
* Tips for Marketing on Social Networking Sites
* Profiles: Real value of Social Network
* What Not to Put on Social Networking Sites
* Top 10 Social Networking Sites
* Facebook
* MySpace
* Orkut
* Flickr
* Social Networking Services
* WackWall, SocialGO
* SocialToo, Stribe
* Tweetmic
* Retaggr
* Flock
* DandyID, AddThis
* AlstraSoft E-Friends
* Social Networking Script
* Kootali
* Mahara

Module 19: Advertising on News Sites

* Advertising on CNN
* Advertising on NYT
* Media Kit
* Ad Programs
* Ad Positions
* Online Classified
* Audience Profile
* Audience Targeting
* Contacts
* Advertising on CBS
* Ad Spec
* Approved Technologies
* Advertising Policy
* 3rd Party Ad Serving
* Interactive Advertising Sales Form
* Advertising on Reuters
* Advertising Solutions
* Mobile
* Video

Module 20: Converting Visitors into Customers and Maintaining Customers

* Introduction
* Conversion Rate: Why and How
* Tactics for Converting Visitors into Customers
* Persuasive Online Copy Writing
* Try Hard to Achieve Goals
* Good Navigation
* Encourage Visitors to Take Action
* Increase the Downloading Speed
* Focus on Substance than Style
* Attract the Existing Customers to Revisit
* Always-in-Contact Mechanism
* Lucrative Offers
* Strategies for Converting Visitors into Customers
* Supply Chain Management (SCM)
* Basic components of SCM
* Impact of E-Commerce on SCM
* e-SCM
* Importance of e-SCM for Online Business
* Challenges in SCM
* Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
* CRM for E-Commerce
* Why CRM for Online Business
* Benefits of CRM to Business
* Types of CRM Solution
* How to Implement CRM
* Potential Drawbacks of CRM
* How CRM Software Improves Business
* Maintaining Customer Relationships
* Importance of Maintaining Customers
* Challenges in Maintaining Customers
* e-CRM
* Benefits of e-CRM
* Information Flow in an e-CRM System
* Disadvantages of e-CRM
* Tools
* Softwrap LIVE
* Arelis
* Contact Capture
* Zoomsales
* Essential PIM
* Ranking-Manager

Module 21: Competitive Intelligence

* Competitive Intelligence
* Competitive Intelligence as a Product
* Competitive Intelligence as a Process
* Information and Communications Technology for Competitive Intelligence
* Internet as a Tool for CI
* Information and Communications Technology ICT for CI
* Classification of Competitive Intelligence
* Types of Active CI
* Problems in CI Cycle
* Managing Data Gathering in CI
* Collecting Information from Raw Data Sources
* CI Research Strategies
* Research Planning and Virtualization
* Analysis Process
* Major Ethical Issues in CI Data Collection
* SCIP Code of Ethics for CI Professionals
* Countering Competitive Intelligence
* Competitive Intelligence Tools
* Quantcast
* SpyFu
* KeywordSpy
* Digimind
* Factiva
* Meidata
* Trellian
* AdGooroo
* Hitwise
* KeyCompete
* Spyble
* Steps to Configure and Setup Spyble Account
* SoloSEO
* Copernic Tracker
* ViewBI Business Intelligence Reporting
* Google Trends, CompetePro
* Google Insights for Search
* Archive.org
* SearchStatus
* IndexRank
* RankPulse
* SEMRush
* SpyderMate
* URLTrends
* Link Popularity Comparison Tool
* Majestic SEO
* Search Engine Index Saturation Tool
* Algo Cracker
* Touch Graph Google Browser

Module 22: Ad Revenues

* Mobile Ad Revenues to Hit $1.5B by 2013
* Viewers to Go Online for Super Bowl Stats, Updates, and Ads
* US Ad Spending
* Online Classifieds
* Eclipsed by E-mail, Direct Mail to Tumble 39% by 2013
* Internet Ad Revenues Reach Record-High $23 Billion in ‘08
* Internet Ad Revenues
* UK Online Advertising
* UK Online Advertising
* Yahoo vs. Google Revenue
* Monthly AdSense Earning
* U.S. Online Advertising Revenues
* Internet Ad Revenue Continue to Climb
* U.S. Advertising Spending
* Generating Ad Revenue from the Website
* Internet Ad Revenue Share by Advertising Format – 2004 – 2009
* Internet Ad Revenue Declines in 2009
* Internet Ad Revenues Pricing Model
* Internet Ad Revenues by Major Industry Category

Module 23: Cyber Marketing Consulting Companies

* LookSmart
* Cybersulting
* Cybertegic
* Suntrader Networks
* ASearchOnline
* DriveTraffic
* Bloofusion
* 6S Marketing
* eVisibility
* Anvil
* SEO Image
* Xact Marketing
* WebMetro
* CyberMark

الجمعة، 2 يوليو 2010

كورسEDRPv2 التعافى من الكوارس وإستمرارية العمل

كورسEDRP (Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity) التعافى من الكوارس وإستمرارية العمل
وصف الكورس
سوف تتعلم كيفية وضع الخطط المناسبه والأساليب لتحديد نقاط الضعف وأخذ الندابير الوقائيه والمضادة لتخفيف المخاطر على المنظمه كما يعلمك ويؤهلك لتحديد خطط التعافى من الأزمات والكوارس المتوقعه وفييم المخاطر ووضع السياسات وفهم العلاقات بين العناصر والأفراد وأعضاء المنظمه وتنفيذ الخطط المفترحة التى تتعافى بها من الكارثه هذا بطبيعه الحال على حسب طبيعه المؤسسه وقوانينها
سوف يتعلم الطلاب كيفيه انشاء شيكة آمنه من خلال السياسات والإجرائات المعمول بها وكيفية استعادة شبكة الإتصال فى حال وقوع كارثة

من هم المستفيدون من حضور تلك الدورة
مديرى خوادم الشبكات مديرى جدران الحماية مديرى الآنظمة ومطورى التطبيقات وضباط أمن وتكنولوجيا المعلومات

سوف يمتحن الطالب فى آخر يوم من أيام ادورة والإمتحات يسمى exam 312-76 وسوف يمتحن فى آخر يوم من أيام الدورة وسوف تأخذ فى النهاية شهادة فى EDRP certification الإختصار ل Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Course

Module 01: Introduction to Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity


Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity: Terminologies

Disaster Types

Consequences of Disaster

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity

Principles of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity: Issues Addressed

Activities of Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Program

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Solutions

Best Practices in Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Program

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR)

International Day for Disaster Reduction

Module 02: Nature and Causes of Disasters


Nature of Disasters

Categorization of Disasters

Natural Disasters


Protecting Yourself During Earthquake

Earthquakes: Volcanoes

Protection from Volcanoes

Forecasting Volcanoes

Estimating Earthquakes

Earthquakes: Tsunami

Protecting Yourself During Tsunami


Effects of Landslides

Protecting Yourself from Landslides


Safety Measures During Hurricanes

Predicting Hurricanes


Effect of floods

Prevention Measures


Safety Measures


Consequences of Drought

Measures to Overcome Drought Effects

Man-Made Disasters


Power Outage

Telecommunication Outage

Categorization of Human Intentional Disasters


Civil Disorder



Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN)

Module 03: Emergency Management



Emergency Management

Need for Emergency Management

Emergency Management Phases





Effect of Disaster on Business Organizations

Emergency Management for Business Organizations

FEMA- Federal Emergency Management Agency

FEMA as an Organization

Activities of FEMA

Module 04: Laws and Acts


Applicable Acts in DR

Laws and Acts in United States of America

Industries: Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

Healthcare: HIPAA Regulations

Financial Institutions: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973

Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act

CAN-SPAM Act of 2003

Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council (FFIEC)

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

Laws and Acts of Europe

Data Protection Act 1998

Transmission of Personal Data: Directive 2002/58/EC

Personal Data: Directive 95/46/EC

Insurance: Financial Groups Directive (FGD)

The Foundation of Personal Data Security Law: OECD Principles

Dutch Personal Data Protection Act

Austrian Federal Act concerning the Protection of Personal Data

German Federal Data Protection Act

Laws and Acts in Australia

Health Records and Information Privacy Act (HRIP)

Financial Transactions Reporting (FTR) Act 1988


Module 05: Business Continuity Management


Business Continuity Management

Business Continuity Planning

Objectives of Business Continuity Planning

Essential Resources in Business Continuity Planning

Business Continuity Management Planning Steps

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

Overview of BS 7799 / ISO 17799

ISO/IEC 17799:2005

ISO/IEC 17799:2005: Business Continuity Management

Risk Analysis

Risk Assessment

Basic Elements of Risk Assessment

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

Components of Business Impact Analysis

Threat Analysis

Risk Analysis and Business Impact Analysis

Crisis Management

Steps in Crisis Management

Crisis Management Phases



Training and Resource Development

Contingency Planning

Points to remember in BCM Plan Testing

Birmingham City Council’s BCM Assessment Template

Greenwich Council – Emergency and BCM Plan

Module 06: Disaster Recovery Planning Process


Disaster Recovery Planning Process

Management Support

Organizing DR Team

Components of Disaster Recovery Team

Disaster Recovery Planning Team

Building a Planning Team

Establishing Team at the Departmental Level

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Conduct Business Impact Analysis

Critical Business Activities

Analysis Sheet

Example: Analysis Sheet for IT System

Roles and Responsibilities

Individual: Leader

Individual: Disaster Recovery Coordinator

Individual: IT Administrator

Individual: Network Manager

Individual: Disaster Recovery Manager

Individual: DR Team Member

Team: Administration Team

Team: Technical Team

Team: Damage Evaluation and Salvage Team

Team: Physical Security Team

Team: Communications Team

Responsibilities Common to all Disaster Recovery Teams

Developing Charts of Responsibilities

Facility Disaster Recovery Chart of Responsibilities

Department Disaster Recovery Chart of Responsibilities

Business Process Disaster Recovery Chart of Responsibilities

Developing Policies and Procedures

Assumptions for DR Planning

Need for Disaster Recovery Planning

Disaster Recovery Plan Development

Disaster Recovery & Management: Budgeting

Centralized Office of DR Planning: Budget

Safety and Health Procedures

Procedures for Internal and External Communications

Procedures for Containment and Property Protection

Procedures for Recovering and Resuming Operations

Assessing Insurance Requirements & Coverage Needs

Need for Insurance

Evaluating Insurance Policies

Testing and Training

DRP Testing and Rehearsal Process

DRP Testing: Advantages

DRP Testing: Methods

DRP Testing Steps

DRP Testing Flow Chart

Training DR Teams

Commence Training Program for Disaster Recovery

Training for Executives

Training for Middle Managers

Training for Supervisors

Training for Disaster Response Teams

Training for Employees

Documentation of DR Procedures

Need for Documentation of Plans

Important Documentations in Disaster Recovery Process

Writing Disaster Recovery Plan

Best Practices for Documentation

Managing Records

DRP Maintenance

Monitoring Process

Monitoring Procedures

Evaluate Latest Technologies

Conducting Regular Reviews

Conducting Training Programs for Updated Plan

DRP Implementation

DR Plan Implementation

Internal and External Awareness Campaigns

Module 07: Risk Management


What is Risk

Introduction to Risk Management

Functions of Risk Management

Analytic Process of Risk Management

Risk Analysis

Risk Reduction Analysis

Management Decision

Risk Reduction Planning

Reviews and Audit

Project Risk Management

IT Security Risk Management

Risk Management Standards

Financial Risk Management

Basel II and Risk Management

Pillar I: Minimum Capital Requirement

Pillar II: Supervisory Review Process

Pillar III: Market Discipline

Quantitative Risk Management

Best Practices in Risk Management

Module 08: Facility Protection


Facility Protection

Water Supply

Protecting Water Supply


Types of Fire Extinguishers

APW Extinguishers

Dry Chemical Extinguisher

Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers

Points to Remember

Using a Fire Extinguisher

Fire Suppression for Companies

Fire exits

Power Supply

Common Power Supply Problems

Ensuring Steady Power Supply


Kinds of Ventilation

Measures for Proper Ventilation

Air Conditioners

Measures for Proper Working of Air Conditioners

Building and Premises

Checklist for Securing Facility

Module 09: Data Recovery


Types of Data Recovery

Logical Data Recovery

Physical Data Recovery

Disk-to-Disk-to Disaster Recovery (3DR) Concept

Steps in Data Recovery

Recovery Management

Recovery Management Evaluation Metrics

Recovery Time Objective (RTO)

Role of RTO in Disaster recovery

Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

Network Recovery Objective (NRO)

Recovery Management Model Layers

Data Protection Continuum

Do’s and Don'ts

Lumigent's Log Explorer

Best Practices in Data Recovery

Module 10: System Recovery


System Restore in Windows XP

Linux System Recovery

Linux System Crash Recovery

Crash Recovery Kit for Linux

Mac System Recovery

Restoring Windows Server 2003

Recovering from Boot problems in Windows Server 2003

Step 1: Start computer by using Last Known Good Configuration

Step 2: Starting computer in Safe Mode

Step 3: Use Event Viewer to Identify the Cause of the Startup Problem

Step 4: Use System Information to Identify the Cause of the Startup Problem

Step 5: The Safe Mode Boot Log File

Step 6: Use Device Manager to Identify the Cause of the Startup Problem

Step 7: Use System Configuration Utility

Microsoft Windows Recovery Console

Automated System Recovery

Windows 2000 Backup and Restore Utility

Methods for Restoring Replicated Data

Restoring Server Services

Active Directory Recovery: Non-Authoritative Restore

Active Directory Recovery: Authoritative Restore

Verifying Active Directory Restoration: Advanced Verification

Verifying Active Directory Restoration: Basic Verification

Active Directory Recovery on a Computer with a Different Hardware Configuration

Sysvol Recovery: Primary Restore

Sysvol Recovery: Non-authoritative Restore

Sysvol Recovery: Authoritative Restore

Recovery of Global Catalog Server

Recovery of an Operations Master

Domain Controller Recovery: With a Working Domain Controller

Domain Controller Recovery: Without a Working Domain Controller

Database Integrity Testing

Rights Management Services Restoration

Rights Management Services Database Restoration

Tools for Active Directory Disaster Recovery: Recovery Manager

Restoring IIS Configurations: iisback.vbs

Restoring Microsoft IIS Metabase Backup


WANSync IIS: Working

Restoring Exchange Server 2003

Data Recovery Scenarios

Exchange Data Recovery Preparation

Single Mailbox Recovery

Single Item Recovery using Deleted Items Retention

Single Item Recovery using Third-party Brick Backup Programs

Full-Server Recovery: Preparation

Full-Server Recovery: Option 1

Full-Server Recovery: Option 2

Full-Server Recovery: Option 3

Full-Server Recovery: Option 4

Exchange Server Backup/Recovery Solution: SonaSafe

Recovering Blackberry Enterprise Server

IBM WebSphere Application Server Recovery

Recovering Coldfusion Application Server: CFMAIL Bug

Recovering Coldfusion Application Server: Variable Deadlocks

Recovering Coldfusion Application Server: ODBC Errors

Recovering Coldfusion Application Server:500 IIS Internal Server Error

Recovering Coldfusion Application Server: System Registry Access Problem

Recovering from Domino Server Crashes

Tool: SteelEye LifeKeeper

Restoring MySQL Server

Restoring MS SQL Server: Option 1

Restoring MS SQL Server: Option 2

Restoring MS SQL Server: Option 3

Restoring MS SQL Server: Option 4

Restoring MS SQL Server: Option 5

Restoring MS SQL Server: Option 6

Restoring MS SQL Server: Option 7

Restoring MS SQL Server: Option 8

Restoring My SQL Server

Recovering Cisco IOS

Module 11: Backup and Recovery



Need for Backup

Types of Backup:

Full Backup

Incremental Backup

Differential Backup

Hot Backup

Hot Backup Sample Code

Cold Backup

Cold Backup Sample Code

Backup Sites

Hot Site/ Cold Site

Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)

RAID: Some Important Levels

Wide Area File Services (WAFS)

Backup for UNIX

Bare Metal Recovery for LINUX

Bucky Backup for Mac OS X

System Backup Administrator

NanoCopy Technology


Backup4all Features

ABC Backup Software

Genie Backup Manager

NTI BackupNow

High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR)

Best Practices in Backup & Recovery

Module 12: Centralized and Decentralized System Recovery


Distributed Computing

Objectives of Distributed Computing

Architecture for Distributed Computing

Working of Distributed Computing

Centralized Backup

Centralized Backup Using SAN or NAS Server

Data Consolidation

Cross-Platform Data Consolidation

Mainframe as Centralized Storage Source

Tiers of Disaster Recovery


GDPS/PPRC Configuration

GDPS/PPRC Single-site Workload Configuration

GDPS/PPRC Multi-site Workload Configuration

Best Practices in Centralized and Decentralized System Recovery

Module 13: Windows Data Recovery Tools


Digital Photo Recovery


Test Disk


BadCopy Pro

Directory Snoop

Data Advisor

Fast File Undelete

File Scavenger


Kernel Recovery for FAT+NTFS




Recover It All

Recover My Files Data Recovery

Quick Recovery for Windows


File Recovery

EasyRecovery DataRecovery

EasyRecovery Professional

RecoverSoft Media Tools Professional

RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC

ADRC Data Recovery Software Tool

SalvageRecovery for Windows

Disk Doctors Email Recovery

Winternals Recovery Manager

Module 14: Linux, Mac and Novell Netware Data Recovery Tools


Kernel Recovery for Linux

Kernel Recovery for ReiserFS

Kernel Recovery for JFS

Kernel Recovery for Macintosh

Kernel Recovery for Novell-Netware

Stellar Phoenix Linux


Quick Recovery for Linux

Quick Recovery for Macintosh

SalvageRecovery for Linux

SalvageRecovery for Mac

SalvageRecovery for Netware

Disk Doctors Linux Data Recovery Software

DiskInternals Linux Reader

Module 15: Incident Response



Category of Incidents

Low Level

Mid Level

High Level

How to Identify an Incident?

How to Prevent an Incident?

Relationship between Incident Response, Incident Handling, and Incident Management

Incident Management Plan

Incident Handling

Information Security Life Cycle

Incident Response

Incident Response Policy

Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis and Incident Response

Incident Response Methodology






Follow up

CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team)

CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team)

General Categories of CSIRTs

Members of CSIRT Team

Building an Effective CSIRT

FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams)

Request Tracker for Incident Response

Helix – Incident Response & Computer Forensics Live CD

Incident Response Tools Present in Helix CD



Module 16: Role of Public Services in Disaster


Public Services

State and Local Governments

Public Utilities and Departments


Blood Banks

Medical Laboratories

Food Banks

Fire Fighting Service

Waste/ Debris Management


Armed Forces

Public Transportation

Water Supply System

Electricity Department

Information & Public Relations Department

IT Service Providers

Module 17: Organizations Providing Services during Disasters


Organizations Providing Services during Disasters

Relief Organizations

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

National Emergency Response Team (NERT)


Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT)

Action Against Hunger (AAH)

Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN)

Doctors Without Borders

Hunger Plus, Inc.


International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)

Mercy Corps (MC)

Refugees International

Relief International

Save the Children

Project HOPE

Module 18: Organizations Providing Disaster Recovery Solutions


Organizations Providing Disaster Recovery Solutions


System Sizing

System Sizing: Practices

Disk-based Backup

Manual System Recovery


Automated System Recovery


Human Capital Resilience

Human Capital Risks in Crisis Situations

Business Resilience

Elements of Business Resilience

Framework for Business Resilience

Causes of E-Mail Outages

E-Mail Continuity


Oracle Data Guard Utility

RMAN Utility for Database Backup

NAS (Network Attached Storage)

Sun Microsystems

Integrated Solutions of Sun and Vignette

Sun Cluster Geographic Edition

Infosys Business Continuity Planning Solution

Infosys BCP solution

Sybase Business Continuity Planning Solution

Sybase Model

HP Business Continuity and Availability solutions

HP 3-tiered Service Levels Balance Investment with Risk

PricewaterhouseCoopers Fast Track BCP

AT&T's Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Module 19: Case Studies


Business Continuity for Critical Applications

Jones Walker: Weathering the Storm

Let’s be prepared: An educational project about disasters in Cuba

From rehabilitation to safety: Gujarat school safety initiative, India

Disaster-resistant schools: A tool for universal primary education

Disaster Recovery Situation Assessment

Disaster Recovery Planning

Business Continuity Planning and Business Impact Analysis

Local risk management in earthquake zones of Kazakhstan

Disaster Recovery Case Study: Max Re

Disaster Recovery Case Study: GSD&M

Storage Assessment Services

Backup and Recovery Plan and Design

Storage Infrastructure Design and Implementation

Continuous Data Protection and Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery Testing

Disaster Recovery Strategy Assessment and Validation

Case Study: Improving Disaster Recovery Without Breaking the Bank

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