وصف كورس CRM
غالبا ما تنحرف شركات التجارة الإلكترونية من قبل أفاق دعم العملاء الفقراء لأن الشركات لا يفهمون تسارع الوقت فى فضاء الإنترنتويمكن الوفاء ودعم ما بين البيع بالفشل بشدة من جراء ضعف قنوات الإتصال إدارة العلاقه مع الزبائن ويوضح العلاقة الدائرة بين الموردين والتكنولوجيا والعملاء والتى توفر نعا البنية التحتيه لدعم العملاء فى فى بيئة الأعمال التجارية الإلكترونية
أصبحت إدارة العلاقات مع الزبائن من الكفاءات التعليمية الحاسمة الحصول على الفوز الإستراتيجى وإستراتجيات لإكتساب الزبائن والإحتفاظ بهم من خلال الإستفادة من خلال أحدث التقنبات المتوفره والمتطورة وهذا بالطبع يعلمك كيفية إختيار الأدوات المناسبه لعملك لذالك يمكن أن تنمو اليوم وعلى نحو المستقبل تخلف بمعنى فقدان الزبائن وهو يعنى الضرر إلى الحد الأدنى ولكن نعلمك كيف يمكنك أن تحتفظ بالزبائن عندما تتحرك بسرعه خاطفة إلى طلب التغيير المستمر فى السرعه للإنجاز تعاملاتهم ؟؟
كيف يمكن الحفاظ على الزبائن عند الإنتقال إلى شركة أخرى ليست أكثر من النقرات بالماوس وفى دقيقة يصبح الزبون بعيدا عن مجالك ؟؟
سوف تجيبك عن كل هذا CRM إدارة العلاقات مع الزبائن وهى الإستراتيجية التى تعزز التكنولوجيات المتعدده والمتقدمة جدا وهى السبل لمطاردة رجال الأعمال فى القرن 21
الشهادة والإمتحان
سوف تجتاز الإمتحان فى 120 دقيقة والإمتحان يسمى EC-Council CRM Exam 212-26
مكونات الدورة أو الكورس
Module 01: Introduction to CRM
* Customer Relationship Management
* Evolution of CRM
* Goals of a CRM Strategy
* Three Aspects of CRM
* CRM Value Pyramid
* CRM Components
* CRM Drivers
* CRM Solutions Map
* CRM Solutions Map: Marketing Solutions
* CRM Solutions Map: Sales Solutions
* CRM Solutions Map: Services
* CRM Solutions Map: Analytics
* Changing Role of CRM
* Obstacles in CRM Success
* Internet’s Influence on CRM
* CRM and Globalization
* Major CRM Packages
Module 02: Customer and Customer Strategy
* Customer
* Customer is King (Customer As An Asset)
* Know Your Customer
* Customer Interaction Cycle
* Customer Interaction and CRM
* Customer Relationship Dimensions
* Customer Touch Points
* Business Objective for Acquiring and Retaining Customer
* Customer Regaining Strategies
* Total Customer Experience
* Customer Strategy Basics
* Customer Loyalty
* Customer Satisfaction
* Importance of Customer Satisfaction
* Customer Profiling and Modeling
* Key Account Management Strategy
* Customer Care
* Customer Contact Technology Strategy (Call Center)
* Customer Strategy Levers
* Achieving Value Through Customer Strategy
Module 03: Customer Centric Enterprise (CCE)
* Customer Centricity: Concept
* Characteristics of Customer Centric Organization
* Evolution of Customer Centric Enterprise
* Customer Centric Enterprise: Background
* Need for Customer Centricity
* Functions of Customer Centricity
* Customer Centricity: A Systematic Solution
* Product Centricity v/s Customer Centricity
* Customer Centric Strategy
* Critical Components of Customer Centric Strategies
* Specific Adaptations of CCE
* Creating a Consistent Customer Experience
* Characteristics of a Successful CCE
* Discussing People, Processes and Technology
* Transition from Product Centricity: Processes
* Transition From Product Centricity: People
* Transition From Product Centricity: Technology
Module 04: Customer Lifecycle Management
* Concept of Customer Lifecycle
* Customer Lifecycle
* Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM)
* Customer Life Cycle Stages: Illustrated
* Managing Customer Lifecycle in Customer Centric Enterprise (CCE)
* Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
* Lifetime Value of a Customer
* Importance of CLV
* Maximizing Life Time Value of a Customer
* Customer Value Management
Module 05: Operational CRM
* Sales Force Automation (SFA)
* Activity Management
* Account Management-SalesLogix SFA
* Opportunity Management- SalesLogix SFA
* Sales Forecasting - SalesLogix SFA
* Sales Funnel Management-SalesLogix SFA
* Sales Pipeline Management-ACT!
* Marketing Automation
* Campaign Management
* Campaign Management-SalesLogix MA
* Analyzing, Learning, Listening & Responding Management
* Workflow Management-SalesLogix MA
* Marketing Communications-SalesLogix CM
* Marketing Communications-SalesLogix CM
* Contact Management-SalesLogix CM
* Ticket Management-SalesLogix CM
* Mobile Sales Force Automation
Module 06: Analytical CRM
* Analytical CRM
* Analytical CRM Defined
* CRM Intelligence Management Cycle
* Analytics & Customer Life Cycle Management
* CRM Data Warehouse
* CRM Data Warehouse - Architecture
* Business Architecture of Analytical CRM
* Analytical CRM Components
* SAS Analytics - Exhibit
* Benefits from CRM Analytics
* Customer Centric Data Mining
* Analytical CRM Application Areas
* Teradata Industry CRM - Exhibit
* Requirements from an Analytical CRM Application
* Clustering and Profiling
* Model Building and Analysis
* Scoring
* CRM Analytics- Sample Vendor Options
* Common Implementation Problems
* Impact of Technology on Analytical CRM
* Challenges for Business Models in the Twenty-First Century
* Business Design: Analytical CRM
* Scope of Analytical CRM
* Key Market Trends of Analytical CRM
* Analytical Strategic Frame Work
* Operational v/s Analytical CRM
* Data Enhancement-Illustrated
Module 07: Collaborative CRM
* Collaborative CRM
* Customer Centricity
* Customer Contact Channel Evolution
* Multi-Channel Strategy
* Multi-Enterprise Value Networks
* Evolution of Contact Centers
* Four Phases of Contact Center Evolution
* Avaya Communication Architecture -Illustrated
* Enterprise Portals
* Integrating Customer Information through Portal Infrastructure
* Employee Portal
* Customer Portal
* Partner Portal
Module 08: CRM Project Management
* What is a Project?
* Characteristics of a Project
* Factors Influencing a Project
* What is Project Management?
* Need for Project Management
* Project Life Cycle
* Role of Project Manager
* Elements of Project Management
* Behavioral Aspects of Project Management
* Project Management Liaison with Other Management Disciplines
* Project Cost Management
* Project Cost Management: Managerial Perspective
* Project Risk Management
* Preparatory Phase Activities
* Defining the CRM Vision
* Assessing CRM Readiness (Organizational Perspective)
* Analyzing Business Processes
* Auditing the IS/IT Infrastructure
* Establishing CRM Project Objectives
* Building the Team and Prioritizing the Requirements
* Establishing the Budget and Tentative Timelines
* Short Listing Prospective CRM Solution Vendors
* Selecting the CRM Solution
* Selecting the CRM Solution Partner
* Controlling the Project
* Achieving CRM Project Success
Module 09: Building a Business Case for CRM
* Business Case
* Developing a Business Case
* Creating a Business Case for CRM
* Building a Business Case
* Business Case for Mobile CRM
* Elements of a Good Business Case
* Challenges in Quantifying CRM Benefits
* Categorization of CRM Benefits
* CRM Benefits: Customer’s Perspective
* CRM Metrics Framework
* Methodology for ROI Estimation
* Measuring ROI of CRM Systems
* Microsoft CRM Making Compelling Business Case for CRM
* Oracle Business Case for CRM
* HP and Deloitte CRM
Module 10: e-CRM
* e-CRM
* Benefits of e-CRM
* e-CRM and CRM
* Achieving CRM Goals through e-CRM
* Trends in e-CRM
* Cross-Divisional e-CRM Functions
* Information Flow in an e-CRM System
* e-CRM and Automation
* Disadvantages of e-CRM
Module 11: CRM in Various Industries
* CRM in Hospital Services
* CRM in Telecom Services
* Challenges for Banking Industry
* CRM in Banking Sector
* Role of CRM in Banking
* Building Customer Relationship through Call Center in Banking
* CRM in Finance Industries
* CRM Macro-Processes in Finance Industries
* Analysis and Discussion of CRM in Financial Services Alliances
* e-CRM in Insurance Industry
* Benefits of e-CRM in Insurance Industry
* CRM in Airline Industry
* CRM in Automotive Industries
Module 12: Data Mining and CRM
* Data Mining
* Data Mining Background
* Evolution of Data Mining
* Data Mining Architecture
* How does Data Mining Work?
* Data Mining Lifecycle
* Data Mining Tasks
* Techniques Used for Data Mining
* Data Mining Techniques: Statistics
* Data Mining Techniques: Clustering
* Clustering
* Data Mining Techniques: Neural Networks
* Data Mining Techniques: Neural Networks
* Data Mining Techniques: Decision Trees
* Data Mining Techniques: Market Basket Analysis
* Data Mining Techniques: Decision Trees
* Potential Applications of Data Mining
* Uses of Data Mining
* Data Warehouse
* Types of Data Warehouses
* Business-to-Consumer Data Warehousing
* B2C Data Warehousing Needs
* Consumer-to-Consumer Data Warehousing
* Comparing B2C and C2C Models
* Consumer-to-Business Data Warehousing
* Business-to-Business Data Warehousing
* Business-to-Employee Data Warehousing
* Data Mining v/s Data Warehousing
* Applying Data Mining to CRM
* Data Mining for CRM
* Key Factors for Successful Data Mining
* Data Mining in Business
* Principles of Data Mining
* Data Mining in Financial Services Industry
* Cost Sensitive Data Pre-Processing for CRM Databases Mining
* Data Mining and e-Business
* Data Mining in Manufacturing
* Data Mining in Retailing
* Data Mining Applications in Marketing
* Data Mining for Business Applications
* Tool: JMP
* JMP Interface
* Features of JMP
* JMP Interface Categories
* Menu Bar
* Techniques: Clustering
* Techniques: Factor Analysis
* Techniques: Discriminant Analysis
* Reporting Tool: Crystal Report XI
* Crystal Report: Features
Module 13: Customer Profitability Analysis
* Customer Profitability
* Customer Profitability Analysis
* Uses of Customer Profitability Analysis
* Steps of Customer Profitability Analysis
* Measuring Individual Customer Profitability
* Analyzing Business's SWOT
* Steps in Conducting SWOT Analysis
* Limitations of Customer Profitability Analysis
* Exploring Different Approaches to Profitability Measurement
* Customer Satisfaction and Customer Profitability
* Improving Sales Profitability
Module 14: Implementing CRM
* Points to Consider before CRM Implementation
* Characteristics of a Good CRM Implementation
* Factors Affecting CRM Implementation
* CRM Implementation Challenges
* CRM Initiative Phases
* Planning the CRM Initiative
* Implementation Phase
* Definition Stage
* Analysis Stage
* Design and Prototyping Stage
* Configuration and Testing Stage
* Deployment Stage
* Managing Changes
* Training and Documentation
* Post Implementation Phase
* Post Implementation Support
* e-CRM Implementation Considerations
* e-CRM Implementation Pitfalls
Module 15: CRM Tools
* Salesforce CRM
* Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0
* Siebel CRM 8.0
* Sugar CRM
* Sugar CRM Features
* Sugar CRM Technical Prerequisites
* Installing Sugar Suite
* Sugar CRM Admin Panel
* Daffodil CRM V1.5
* Daffodil CRM: Admin Page
* VtigerCRM 5
* Vtiger Installation: Prerequisites
* Installing Vtiger CRM
* Install Without Apache and MySQL
* Configuring Vtiger CRM Server
* Open CRX V1.1o
* OpenCRXv1.10 Installation Instructions
* OpenCRXv1.10 Configuration
* Compiere ERP and CRM
* Installing the Compiere 2.6.1 server
* Installing Compiere Application Client and HTML Client
* absoluteBUSY - Online CRM Software
* Zoho CRM
* Numara TM Footprint7.5
* Polar Help Desk 4.1
* Net suite-Online Business Application
* Alive chat
* Alive chat: Operator console
* Sight Max
* Sight Max: Real Time Live Chatting
* Soffront CRM 8.6
* Contact Tracker Version 2.70
* Salespro CRM
* Maximizer Enterprise CRM
* CRM desk 2.37
* Magna CRM
* Sage CRM V6
Module 16: CRM Case Studies
* Stockholm gets moving with a Selected Business Solution from IBM and SAP
* Genesys and IBM Join Forces to help Vodafone Egypt Increase Call Center Efficiency
* St. Jude Medical: Automating the Sales Force to Gain a Competitive Edge
* Unilever Europe Improves Retail Execution and Trade Promotions Efficiency with IBM
* Versatel: Customer base at German Services Provider Expands with Finance Solution
* H-E-B Grocery Company: Grocery Chain Gains Productivity, Information Visibility for Better Inventory Control
* Maptek: Mining for Customers
* Seminole Funding: Customers for Life
* 3Dfacto Deploys Siebel CRM Professional Edition in 36 Hours
* OutClick Media: Good Medicine for OutClick Media
* Tigerpaw CRM: Invents a New Playbook for Game Plan
* athenahealth: SugarCRM Delivers Platform for Vital Business Systems
* Digi-Data: Increasing Efficiency and Fueling Innovation
* CBI Group: Placing People at the Center of CRM
* Telekomunikacja Polska Dramatically Improves Responsiveness through a Customer-Centric Business Transformation
* Servicio Extremeño De Salud Cares for More Citizens with SAP Software and IBM
* Pep Boys Revs Up Customer Service with an IBM and Oracle Retail Solution
* Siebel, IBM and Ordina Enhance and Streamline Employment Services
* Environment Agency Gives Green Light to IBM Customer Service Delivery Strategy
* The Salvation Army Improves Productivity and Expands Reporting Capabilities
* Stand to Reason Improves Speaker’s Bureau Management with Entellium eSalesForce
* Wireless Retailer Flexicom Achieves a Close Rate that is Double the Industry Standard using Entellium eSalesForce
* BBVA Improves Flexibility and Cuts Paperwork With SAP CRM
* IBM Case Study
* iGATE Global helps Fortune 100 Consumer Goods Major Deploy SAP CRM and Remote Manage their Entire Application Suite
* Aconex: Flexible CRM for massive Projects
* Daxten: Going Global with SugarCRM
* Case Study – Customer Relationship Management: MiroMetrica
غالبا ما تنحرف شركات التجارة الإلكترونية من قبل أفاق دعم العملاء الفقراء لأن الشركات لا يفهمون تسارع الوقت فى فضاء الإنترنتويمكن الوفاء ودعم ما بين البيع بالفشل بشدة من جراء ضعف قنوات الإتصال إدارة العلاقه مع الزبائن ويوضح العلاقة الدائرة بين الموردين والتكنولوجيا والعملاء والتى توفر نعا البنية التحتيه لدعم العملاء فى فى بيئة الأعمال التجارية الإلكترونية
أصبحت إدارة العلاقات مع الزبائن من الكفاءات التعليمية الحاسمة الحصول على الفوز الإستراتيجى وإستراتجيات لإكتساب الزبائن والإحتفاظ بهم من خلال الإستفادة من خلال أحدث التقنبات المتوفره والمتطورة وهذا بالطبع يعلمك كيفية إختيار الأدوات المناسبه لعملك لذالك يمكن أن تنمو اليوم وعلى نحو المستقبل تخلف بمعنى فقدان الزبائن وهو يعنى الضرر إلى الحد الأدنى ولكن نعلمك كيف يمكنك أن تحتفظ بالزبائن عندما تتحرك بسرعه خاطفة إلى طلب التغيير المستمر فى السرعه للإنجاز تعاملاتهم ؟؟
كيف يمكن الحفاظ على الزبائن عند الإنتقال إلى شركة أخرى ليست أكثر من النقرات بالماوس وفى دقيقة يصبح الزبون بعيدا عن مجالك ؟؟
سوف تجيبك عن كل هذا CRM إدارة العلاقات مع الزبائن وهى الإستراتيجية التى تعزز التكنولوجيات المتعدده والمتقدمة جدا وهى السبل لمطاردة رجال الأعمال فى القرن 21
الشهادة والإمتحان
سوف تجتاز الإمتحان فى 120 دقيقة والإمتحان يسمى EC-Council CRM Exam 212-26
مكونات الدورة أو الكورس
Module 01: Introduction to CRM
* Customer Relationship Management
* Evolution of CRM
* Goals of a CRM Strategy
* Three Aspects of CRM
* CRM Value Pyramid
* CRM Components
* CRM Drivers
* CRM Solutions Map
* CRM Solutions Map: Marketing Solutions
* CRM Solutions Map: Sales Solutions
* CRM Solutions Map: Services
* CRM Solutions Map: Analytics
* Changing Role of CRM
* Obstacles in CRM Success
* Internet’s Influence on CRM
* CRM and Globalization
* Major CRM Packages
Module 02: Customer and Customer Strategy
* Customer
* Customer is King (Customer As An Asset)
* Know Your Customer
* Customer Interaction Cycle
* Customer Interaction and CRM
* Customer Relationship Dimensions
* Customer Touch Points
* Business Objective for Acquiring and Retaining Customer
* Customer Regaining Strategies
* Total Customer Experience
* Customer Strategy Basics
* Customer Loyalty
* Customer Satisfaction
* Importance of Customer Satisfaction
* Customer Profiling and Modeling
* Key Account Management Strategy
* Customer Care
* Customer Contact Technology Strategy (Call Center)
* Customer Strategy Levers
* Achieving Value Through Customer Strategy
Module 03: Customer Centric Enterprise (CCE)
* Customer Centricity: Concept
* Characteristics of Customer Centric Organization
* Evolution of Customer Centric Enterprise
* Customer Centric Enterprise: Background
* Need for Customer Centricity
* Functions of Customer Centricity
* Customer Centricity: A Systematic Solution
* Product Centricity v/s Customer Centricity
* Customer Centric Strategy
* Critical Components of Customer Centric Strategies
* Specific Adaptations of CCE
* Creating a Consistent Customer Experience
* Characteristics of a Successful CCE
* Discussing People, Processes and Technology
* Transition from Product Centricity: Processes
* Transition From Product Centricity: People
* Transition From Product Centricity: Technology
Module 04: Customer Lifecycle Management
* Concept of Customer Lifecycle
* Customer Lifecycle
* Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM)
* Customer Life Cycle Stages: Illustrated
* Managing Customer Lifecycle in Customer Centric Enterprise (CCE)
* Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
* Lifetime Value of a Customer
* Importance of CLV
* Maximizing Life Time Value of a Customer
* Customer Value Management
Module 05: Operational CRM
* Sales Force Automation (SFA)
* Activity Management
* Account Management-SalesLogix SFA
* Opportunity Management- SalesLogix SFA
* Sales Forecasting - SalesLogix SFA
* Sales Funnel Management-SalesLogix SFA
* Sales Pipeline Management-ACT!
* Marketing Automation
* Campaign Management
* Campaign Management-SalesLogix MA
* Analyzing, Learning, Listening & Responding Management
* Workflow Management-SalesLogix MA
* Marketing Communications-SalesLogix CM
* Marketing Communications-SalesLogix CM
* Contact Management-SalesLogix CM
* Ticket Management-SalesLogix CM
* Mobile Sales Force Automation
Module 06: Analytical CRM
* Analytical CRM
* Analytical CRM Defined
* CRM Intelligence Management Cycle
* Analytics & Customer Life Cycle Management
* CRM Data Warehouse
* CRM Data Warehouse - Architecture
* Business Architecture of Analytical CRM
* Analytical CRM Components
* SAS Analytics - Exhibit
* Benefits from CRM Analytics
* Customer Centric Data Mining
* Analytical CRM Application Areas
* Teradata Industry CRM - Exhibit
* Requirements from an Analytical CRM Application
* Clustering and Profiling
* Model Building and Analysis
* Scoring
* CRM Analytics- Sample Vendor Options
* Common Implementation Problems
* Impact of Technology on Analytical CRM
* Challenges for Business Models in the Twenty-First Century
* Business Design: Analytical CRM
* Scope of Analytical CRM
* Key Market Trends of Analytical CRM
* Analytical Strategic Frame Work
* Operational v/s Analytical CRM
* Data Enhancement-Illustrated
Module 07: Collaborative CRM
* Collaborative CRM
* Customer Centricity
* Customer Contact Channel Evolution
* Multi-Channel Strategy
* Multi-Enterprise Value Networks
* Evolution of Contact Centers
* Four Phases of Contact Center Evolution
* Avaya Communication Architecture -Illustrated
* Enterprise Portals
* Integrating Customer Information through Portal Infrastructure
* Employee Portal
* Customer Portal
* Partner Portal
Module 08: CRM Project Management
* What is a Project?
* Characteristics of a Project
* Factors Influencing a Project
* What is Project Management?
* Need for Project Management
* Project Life Cycle
* Role of Project Manager
* Elements of Project Management
* Behavioral Aspects of Project Management
* Project Management Liaison with Other Management Disciplines
* Project Cost Management
* Project Cost Management: Managerial Perspective
* Project Risk Management
* Preparatory Phase Activities
* Defining the CRM Vision
* Assessing CRM Readiness (Organizational Perspective)
* Analyzing Business Processes
* Auditing the IS/IT Infrastructure
* Establishing CRM Project Objectives
* Building the Team and Prioritizing the Requirements
* Establishing the Budget and Tentative Timelines
* Short Listing Prospective CRM Solution Vendors
* Selecting the CRM Solution
* Selecting the CRM Solution Partner
* Controlling the Project
* Achieving CRM Project Success
Module 09: Building a Business Case for CRM
* Business Case
* Developing a Business Case
* Creating a Business Case for CRM
* Building a Business Case
* Business Case for Mobile CRM
* Elements of a Good Business Case
* Challenges in Quantifying CRM Benefits
* Categorization of CRM Benefits
* CRM Benefits: Customer’s Perspective
* CRM Metrics Framework
* Methodology for ROI Estimation
* Measuring ROI of CRM Systems
* Microsoft CRM Making Compelling Business Case for CRM
* Oracle Business Case for CRM
* HP and Deloitte CRM
Module 10: e-CRM
* e-CRM
* Benefits of e-CRM
* e-CRM and CRM
* Achieving CRM Goals through e-CRM
* Trends in e-CRM
* Cross-Divisional e-CRM Functions
* Information Flow in an e-CRM System
* e-CRM and Automation
* Disadvantages of e-CRM
Module 11: CRM in Various Industries
* CRM in Hospital Services
* CRM in Telecom Services
* Challenges for Banking Industry
* CRM in Banking Sector
* Role of CRM in Banking
* Building Customer Relationship through Call Center in Banking
* CRM in Finance Industries
* CRM Macro-Processes in Finance Industries
* Analysis and Discussion of CRM in Financial Services Alliances
* e-CRM in Insurance Industry
* Benefits of e-CRM in Insurance Industry
* CRM in Airline Industry
* CRM in Automotive Industries
Module 12: Data Mining and CRM
* Data Mining
* Data Mining Background
* Evolution of Data Mining
* Data Mining Architecture
* How does Data Mining Work?
* Data Mining Lifecycle
* Data Mining Tasks
* Techniques Used for Data Mining
* Data Mining Techniques: Statistics
* Data Mining Techniques: Clustering
* Clustering
* Data Mining Techniques: Neural Networks
* Data Mining Techniques: Neural Networks
* Data Mining Techniques: Decision Trees
* Data Mining Techniques: Market Basket Analysis
* Data Mining Techniques: Decision Trees
* Potential Applications of Data Mining
* Uses of Data Mining
* Data Warehouse
* Types of Data Warehouses
* Business-to-Consumer Data Warehousing
* B2C Data Warehousing Needs
* Consumer-to-Consumer Data Warehousing
* Comparing B2C and C2C Models
* Consumer-to-Business Data Warehousing
* Business-to-Business Data Warehousing
* Business-to-Employee Data Warehousing
* Data Mining v/s Data Warehousing
* Applying Data Mining to CRM
* Data Mining for CRM
* Key Factors for Successful Data Mining
* Data Mining in Business
* Principles of Data Mining
* Data Mining in Financial Services Industry
* Cost Sensitive Data Pre-Processing for CRM Databases Mining
* Data Mining and e-Business
* Data Mining in Manufacturing
* Data Mining in Retailing
* Data Mining Applications in Marketing
* Data Mining for Business Applications
* Tool: JMP
* JMP Interface
* Features of JMP
* JMP Interface Categories
* Menu Bar
* Techniques: Clustering
* Techniques: Factor Analysis
* Techniques: Discriminant Analysis
* Reporting Tool: Crystal Report XI
* Crystal Report: Features
Module 13: Customer Profitability Analysis
* Customer Profitability
* Customer Profitability Analysis
* Uses of Customer Profitability Analysis
* Steps of Customer Profitability Analysis
* Measuring Individual Customer Profitability
* Analyzing Business's SWOT
* Steps in Conducting SWOT Analysis
* Limitations of Customer Profitability Analysis
* Exploring Different Approaches to Profitability Measurement
* Customer Satisfaction and Customer Profitability
* Improving Sales Profitability
Module 14: Implementing CRM
* Points to Consider before CRM Implementation
* Characteristics of a Good CRM Implementation
* Factors Affecting CRM Implementation
* CRM Implementation Challenges
* CRM Initiative Phases
* Planning the CRM Initiative
* Implementation Phase
* Definition Stage
* Analysis Stage
* Design and Prototyping Stage
* Configuration and Testing Stage
* Deployment Stage
* Managing Changes
* Training and Documentation
* Post Implementation Phase
* Post Implementation Support
* e-CRM Implementation Considerations
* e-CRM Implementation Pitfalls
Module 15: CRM Tools
* Salesforce CRM
* Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0
* Siebel CRM 8.0
* Sugar CRM
* Sugar CRM Features
* Sugar CRM Technical Prerequisites
* Installing Sugar Suite
* Sugar CRM Admin Panel
* Daffodil CRM V1.5
* Daffodil CRM: Admin Page
* VtigerCRM 5
* Vtiger Installation: Prerequisites
* Installing Vtiger CRM
* Install Without Apache and MySQL
* Configuring Vtiger CRM Server
* Open CRX V1.1o
* OpenCRXv1.10 Installation Instructions
* OpenCRXv1.10 Configuration
* Compiere ERP and CRM
* Installing the Compiere 2.6.1 server
* Installing Compiere Application Client and HTML Client
* absoluteBUSY - Online CRM Software
* Zoho CRM
* Numara TM Footprint7.5
* Polar Help Desk 4.1
* Net suite-Online Business Application
* Alive chat
* Alive chat: Operator console
* Sight Max
* Sight Max: Real Time Live Chatting
* Soffront CRM 8.6
* Contact Tracker Version 2.70
* Salespro CRM
* Maximizer Enterprise CRM
* CRM desk 2.37
* Magna CRM
* Sage CRM V6
Module 16: CRM Case Studies
* Stockholm gets moving with a Selected Business Solution from IBM and SAP
* Genesys and IBM Join Forces to help Vodafone Egypt Increase Call Center Efficiency
* St. Jude Medical: Automating the Sales Force to Gain a Competitive Edge
* Unilever Europe Improves Retail Execution and Trade Promotions Efficiency with IBM
* Versatel: Customer base at German Services Provider Expands with Finance Solution
* H-E-B Grocery Company: Grocery Chain Gains Productivity, Information Visibility for Better Inventory Control
* Maptek: Mining for Customers
* Seminole Funding: Customers for Life
* 3Dfacto Deploys Siebel CRM Professional Edition in 36 Hours
* OutClick Media: Good Medicine for OutClick Media
* Tigerpaw CRM: Invents a New Playbook for Game Plan
* athenahealth: SugarCRM Delivers Platform for Vital Business Systems
* Digi-Data: Increasing Efficiency and Fueling Innovation
* CBI Group: Placing People at the Center of CRM
* Telekomunikacja Polska Dramatically Improves Responsiveness through a Customer-Centric Business Transformation
* Servicio Extremeño De Salud Cares for More Citizens with SAP Software and IBM
* Pep Boys Revs Up Customer Service with an IBM and Oracle Retail Solution
* Siebel, IBM and Ordina Enhance and Streamline Employment Services
* Environment Agency Gives Green Light to IBM Customer Service Delivery Strategy
* The Salvation Army Improves Productivity and Expands Reporting Capabilities
* Stand to Reason Improves Speaker’s Bureau Management with Entellium eSalesForce
* Wireless Retailer Flexicom Achieves a Close Rate that is Double the Industry Standard using Entellium eSalesForce
* BBVA Improves Flexibility and Cuts Paperwork With SAP CRM
* IBM Case Study
* iGATE Global helps Fortune 100 Consumer Goods Major Deploy SAP CRM and Remote Manage their Entire Application Suite
* Aconex: Flexible CRM for massive Projects
* Daxten: Going Global with SugarCRM
* Case Study – Customer Relationship Management: MiroMetrica
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