الاثنين، 28 يونيو 2010

كورس Security5

ماذا سوق تدرس فى كورس Security5

الشروط المسبقة
أن تكون ملما بمهارات الحاسوب الكمبيوتر الأساسية مثل مثل تصفح الإنترنيت والتحقق وكيفية التعامل مع البريد الإلكترونى e-mail

من هم المستفيدون من الدورة

مكاتب العماله
الكستخدمين المنزليين
أى شخص غير خبير او ليس عنده خبره فى مجال الكمبوتر والتكنولجيا الخاصه به
الإمتحان فى هذه الدورة تحت مسمى Security 5 exam 112-12

مكونات الدورة

Module 01: Foundations of Security

* Essential terminology
* Defining security
* Need for security
* Cyber crime
* Information Security statistics
* IS triangle
* Security myths
* How to harden security

Module 02: Basic Security Procedures

* Why do I need to worry about my computer’s security?
* Introduction
* Hardening of Operating System
* Updating the system and configuring the updates
* Disable unnecessary services
* Strong password creation
* Deployment of antivirus and firewall
* Disable guest account access
* “Make Private” folders
* Security settings in MS Office applications

* Security settings in MS Office applications

Module 03: Desktop Security

* What is file sharing?
* Types of file sharing
* How to share folder?
* Configuring shared folder permissions
* Hiding files and folders
* File sharing tips
* File downloading tips
* How to backup data and restore?
* How to encrypt and decrypt files?
* How to kill suspect processes?

Module 04: Administering Windows Securely

* How to use the event viewer?
* How to enable auditing in windows?
* How to read logs on your system?
* How to close ports?
* Overview of the windows registry
* How to restore the registry?
* How to close a port?
* Common internal commands
* How to find services and ports they listen on?

Module 05: Recognizing Security Threats and attacks

* Phishing and its countermeasures
* Virus
* Trojan Horse
* Worms
* Spyware
* Adware
* Keylogger
* Social engineering
* Denial of Service
* Spamming
* Port Scanning
* Password cracking
* Basic security measures

Module 06: Secure Internet Access

* Basic browser security settings
* How to restrict site access
* Removing site from security zone
* Secure website detection
* Secure site and browser properties
* Tools: Internet Filtering Software
* Configuring Internet content access
* Activating Content Advisor
* How to deal with cookies
* Using P2P networks securely
* Choosing appropriate browser settings
* Wireless network security features

Module 07: Working on the Internet

* Precepts of Security
* Knowing Encryption
* Digital Certificate
* Digital Signature
* Working with e-mail (web based)
* Working with e-mail (mail client)
* Working with File Transfer- FTP
* Working with File Transfer – Web Folders
* Knowing Online Payment Systems
* Working with Credit Cards
* Working with Instant Messengers
* Working across File Sharing Networks
* Working on Dial-in Networks
* Working with Portable Devices
* Working with Wireless Devices
* Working with USB devices
* Working with Media Files
* Working with 3rd party software

Module 08: Incident Response

* What is Incident Response?
* Incidents and responses:
* Trojan attack
* Boot sector virus attack
* Corrupted registry
* Automatic running of CD-ROM (autorun.inf)

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