كابول (ا ف ب) - اعلن قائد القوات الدولية في افغانستان الجنرال ديفيد بترايوس انه اذا نفذت كنيسة اميركية مشروعها باحراق مصحف علنا في 11 ايلول/سبتمبر فان ذلك سيضع حياة الجنود الاميركيين في خطر.وتعتزم كنيسة "دوف وورلد آوتريتش سنتر" المعمدانية في فلوريدا ان تحرق مصفحا علنا في الذكرى السنوية التاسعة لاعتداءات 11 ايلول/سبتمبر في الولايات المتحدة .واعتبر بترايوس في مقابلة مع صحيفة وول ستريت جورنال الثلاثاء انه في حال تم تنفيذ المشروع فانه سيخدم مصالح حركة طالبان في افغانستان. واوضح "الامر سيهدد في الوقت نفسه حياة الجنود والجهود الدولية".واضاف "هذا تماما ما يقوم به عناصر طالبان ويمكن ان يؤدي الى مشاكل كبيرة. ليس هنا فقط انما في كل انحاء العالم حيث نحن موجودون في مجتمعات اسلامية".ودعت الكنيسة الى احراق نسخ من القران في 11 ايلول/سبتمبر امام مقرها في غينسفيل (500 كلم شمال شرق ميامي) كما دعت مراكز دينية اخرى الى ان تحذو حذوها وذلك احياء لذكرى ضحايا الاعتداء ومحاربة "شيطان الاسلام".من جهته، اعتبر قس الكنيسة تيري جونز ان مخاوف بترايوس "ليست في محلها". الا انه اضاف في بيان الى صحيفة وول ستريت جورنال "علينا ان نوجه رسالة واضحة الى المتطرفين الاسلاميين. لن نبقى اسيري الخوف والتهديدات".وفي اواخر اب/اغسطس تظاهر متطرفون اسلاميون امام سفارة الولايات المتحدة في جاكرتا وهددوا بالدعوة الى الجهاد اذا نفذت هذه الكنيسة الاميركية تهديدها. وادت انتهاكات مفترضة لجنود اميركيين ضد القران في افغانستان والعراق في السابق الى تأجيج التوترات والى تظاهرات عنيفة احيانا.
Stay in the heart of the event - Petraeus: burning of the Koran at the U.S. one of the churches would put the lives of American soldiers at risk
KABUL (AFP) - The commander of international forces in Afghanistan General David Petraeus, that if the Church of the American project burned the Koran in public in September 11, that would put the lives of American soldiers at risk. Intends to church, "Dove World Outreach Center" Baptist in Florida would burn from bullet publicly commemorated the ninth anniversary of the attacks of September 11 in the United States . He said Petraeus in an interview with the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that if the project was implemented it would serve the interests of the Taliban in Afghanistan. He explained, "it would threaten at the same time the lives of soldiers and international efforts." "This is exactly what is done by the Taliban and can lead to big problems. Not only here but all over the world where we are in Muslim communities." And called the church to the burning of copies Koran at the September 11 in front of its headquarters in Gainesville (500 km north-east of Miami) also called on religious centers, the other to follow suit, so to commemorate the victims of abuse and fight "the devil of Islam." For his part, considered a priest the Church Terry Jones fears that Petraeus " is not replaced by ". But he added in a statement to the newspaper The Wall Street Journal "We have to send a clear message to Islamic extremists. We will not remain prisoners of fear and threats." In late August demonstrated by Islamic militants in front of the Embassy of the United States in Jakarta and threatened to call a jihad If these American church threat. The violations assumed for U.S. troops against the Koran in Afghanistan and Iraq in the past to fuel tensions and sometimes violent demonstrations.
Stay in the heart of the event - Petraeus: burning of the Koran at the U.S. one of the churches would put the lives of American soldiers at risk
KABUL (AFP) - The commander of international forces in Afghanistan General David Petraeus, that if the Church of the American project burned the Koran in public in September 11, that would put the lives of American soldiers at risk. Intends to church, "Dove World Outreach Center" Baptist in Florida would burn from bullet publicly commemorated the ninth anniversary of the attacks of September 11 in the United States . He said Petraeus in an interview with the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that if the project was implemented it would serve the interests of the Taliban in Afghanistan. He explained, "it would threaten at the same time the lives of soldiers and international efforts." "This is exactly what is done by the Taliban and can lead to big problems. Not only here but all over the world where we are in Muslim communities." And called the church to the burning of copies Koran at the September 11 in front of its headquarters in Gainesville (500 km north-east of Miami) also called on religious centers, the other to follow suit, so to commemorate the victims of abuse and fight "the devil of Islam." For his part, considered a priest the Church Terry Jones fears that Petraeus " is not replaced by ". But he added in a statement to the newspaper The Wall Street Journal "We have to send a clear message to Islamic extremists. We will not remain prisoners of fear and threats." In late August demonstrated by Islamic militants in front of the Embassy of the United States in Jakarta and threatened to call a jihad If these American church threat. The violations assumed for U.S. troops against the Koran in Afghanistan and Iraq in the past to fuel tensions and sometimes violent demonstrations.
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