يهل علينا موسم عيد الفطر المبارك، وتستعد جميع الأسر لإعداد كعك العيد بمختلف وصفاته، فنقدم لكم اليوم أسهل طريقة لعمل الكعك بالملبن. المقادير : كيلو دقيق أبيض منخول نصف كيلو سمن بلدى 50 جم من السكر الناعم للعجين ماء دافئ للعجين ملعقة سمسم ملعقة خميرة جافة 250جم ملبن للحشو ويمكن استبداله بالمكسرات المختلفة أو التمر الطريقة: أولا يوضع الخمير فى نصف كوب ماء فاتر مع ملعقة سكر وتقلب حتى تنشط. يوضع الدقيق بوعاء واسع مع السكر والسمسم ويقلب بملعقة خشب. ثم يوضع السمن فى وعاء ويرفع على النار حتى يسخن السمن وبعد يضاف إلى خليط الدقيق ويقلب جيدا مع خليط الخميرة ويتم العجن بالماء حتى يصير عجينا لينا متماسكا، ويمكن إضافة ماء مرة أخرى لجعل العجين لينا أكثر. يأخذ من العجين قطعة مثل حجم البيضة وتفرد بين الكفين ويوضع فى الوسط قطعة من الملبن ويطوى بين اليد. ويضع فى قوالب خاص لنقش الرسومات على الكعك بعد دهنها بالدقيق كل مرة وحتى ينتهى العجين. ويضع وحدات الكعك فى صينية. أما بالنسبة للطهى: يتم الطهى فى فرن عالى الحرارة أى 200درجة تقريبا حتى يحمر الوجه. يترك الكعك ليبرد ويقدم مرشوش بالسكر الناعم أو الفستق المطحون.
Stay in the heart of the event - the modus operandi of cakes Palmbann
Ehl us season Eid al-Fitr and prepare all the families for the preparation of Easter cakes the different attributes, Venkdm you today, the easiest way to bake cakes Palmbann. Ingredients: kilo flour white sifted half a kilo of butter my 50 grams of caster sugar to the dough warm water to dough tablespoon sesame tablespoon dry yeast 250 grams Malban of fillings can be replaced with nuts of different or dates way: First, put the Khmer in a half cup of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of sugar and volatile until they operate. put the exact potted broad with sugar, sesame seeds and stir with a spoon of wood. Then put the butter in the pot and raise the fire to heat ghee and then added to the flour mixture and stir well with a mixture of yeast and is kneading with water until it becomes lump Lena together, can add water again to make the dough soft more. take the dough pieces such as the size of the egg and the uniqueness of the hands and placed in the center piece of roses and folded the hand. and places the templates in a special to carve out the graphics on the cake after the painted flour each time, until it is finished dough. and puts units cakes in the tray. For Cooking: The cooking oven high temperature of 200 degrees until almost redden the face. leaves the cakes to cool down and a splash of sugar-soft or pistachios ground
Stay in the heart of the event - the modus operandi of cakes Palmbann
Ehl us season Eid al-Fitr and prepare all the families for the preparation of Easter cakes the different attributes, Venkdm you today, the easiest way to bake cakes Palmbann. Ingredients: kilo flour white sifted half a kilo of butter my 50 grams of caster sugar to the dough warm water to dough tablespoon sesame tablespoon dry yeast 250 grams Malban of fillings can be replaced with nuts of different or dates way: First, put the Khmer in a half cup of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of sugar and volatile until they operate. put the exact potted broad with sugar, sesame seeds and stir with a spoon of wood. Then put the butter in the pot and raise the fire to heat ghee and then added to the flour mixture and stir well with a mixture of yeast and is kneading with water until it becomes lump Lena together, can add water again to make the dough soft more. take the dough pieces such as the size of the egg and the uniqueness of the hands and placed in the center piece of roses and folded the hand. and places the templates in a special to carve out the graphics on the cake after the painted flour each time, until it is finished dough. and puts units cakes in the tray. For Cooking: The cooking oven high temperature of 200 degrees until almost redden the face. leaves the cakes to cool down and a splash of sugar-soft or pistachios ground
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