دبي (ا ف ب) - اعلنت هيئة الطيران المدني في تقرير اولي الاحد في دبي ان دخانا في قمرة القيادة ادى الى تحطم طائرة الشحن الاميركية في دبي الجمعة.وكانت الهيئة اعلنت في بيان العثور على احد الصندوقين الاسودين للطائرة وهي من طراز بوينغ 747-400 وتابعة لشركة البريد الاميركية "يو بي اس".واضاف التقرير انه وبعد 21 دقيقة على اقلاع الطائرة "اعلم مركز المراقبة في البحرين نظيره في الامارات ان طائرة الشحن عادت الى مطار دبي مع تصاعد الدخان من قمرة القيادة ". وتابع التقرير ان الطائرة كانت "عاجزة عن الحفاظ على الارتفاع وطالبت السماح لها بالهبوط".واضاف ان "الطائرة اقتربت من المطار وهي على ارتفاع كاف وتجاوزته قبل ان تعود ادراجها. وعندها عجزت على الحفاظ على ارتفاعها وانقطع الاتصال مع برج المراقبة قرابة الساعة 19,42 (15,42 تغ) بعد اقل من ساعة على اقلاعها".وتابعت الهيئة ان المحققين عثروا على "الصندوق الذي يتضمن الاتصالات داخل قمرة القيادة ويواصلون البحث عن الصندوق الذي يتضمن احداثيات الرحلة". من جهتها، اكدت "يو بي اس" مقتل الطيارين وهما اميركيي الجنسية.واعلنت الشركة في بيان نشرته على موقعها الالكتروني "بوسع يو بي اس ان تؤكد الان مقتل اثنين من افراد طاقمها هما الطيار دوغ لامب من لويفيل (كنتاكي) ومساعد الطيار ماثيو بيل من سانفورد (فلوريدا) في تحطم الرحلة 6" الى دبي.وكان الاول يعمل مع "يو بي اس" منذ العام 1995 بينما التحق بيل بالشركة في العام 2006. وتحطمت الطائرة في قاعدة اميركية قرب دبي ولم يؤد تحطمها الى حدوث اصابات على الارض.واشارت "يو بي اس" الى ان الطائرة في الخدمة منذ ثلاث سنوات وان "كل عمليات الصيانة اجريت في وقتها مع معاينة عامة في حزيران/يونيو 2010". واضاف بيان الشركة انها ارسلت فريقا الى دبي "سيتعاون مع السلطات في التحقيق" حول الحادث.
Stay in the heart of the event - smoke in the cockpit and behind the crash of cargo plane in Dubai
DUBAI (AFP) - The Civil Aviation Authority in a preliminary report Sunday in Dubai, said the smoke in the cockpit led to the crash of cargo plane the U.S. in Dubai on Friday. The body said in a statement found on one of the black boxes of the plane, a Boeing 747-400 , belonging to the USPS, "UBS." The report said that after 21 minutes on the plane "I know control center in Bahrain, the UAE, said his cargo plane returned to Dubai Airport with smoke from the cockpit . " The report said the plane had been "unable to maintain altitude and demanded permission to land." He added "the plane approached the airport and is high enough and exceeded before turning back. And then unable to maintain altitude and lost contact with the control tower at around 19.42 (15.42 GMT), less than an hour after take off. "The agency said that investigators had found" the Fund, which includes communications within the cockpit and continue to search for the Fund, which includes the coordinates of the flight. " For its part, said "UBS" the death of the pilots and the two U.S. citizen. The company announced in a statement posted on its website "could UPS that now confirm the deaths of two crew members are pilot Doug Lamb of Louisville (Kentucky) and co-pilot Matthew from Bill Sanford (Florida) in the crash of Flight 6 "to Dubai. It was the first work with the" UPS "since 1995, while Bill joined the company in 2006. The plane crashed at an American base near Dubai has not only crashing to the injuries on the ground. She noted, "UPS" to aircraft in service three years ago and that "all the maintenance operations carried out on time with a preview of the general in June 2010." He said the company statement said it had sent a team to Dubai, "will cooperate with the authorities in the investigation" about the incident.
Stay in the heart of the event - smoke in the cockpit and behind the crash of cargo plane in Dubai
DUBAI (AFP) - The Civil Aviation Authority in a preliminary report Sunday in Dubai, said the smoke in the cockpit led to the crash of cargo plane the U.S. in Dubai on Friday. The body said in a statement found on one of the black boxes of the plane, a Boeing 747-400 , belonging to the USPS, "UBS." The report said that after 21 minutes on the plane "I know control center in Bahrain, the UAE, said his cargo plane returned to Dubai Airport with smoke from the cockpit . " The report said the plane had been "unable to maintain altitude and demanded permission to land." He added "the plane approached the airport and is high enough and exceeded before turning back. And then unable to maintain altitude and lost contact with the control tower at around 19.42 (15.42 GMT), less than an hour after take off. "The agency said that investigators had found" the Fund, which includes communications within the cockpit and continue to search for the Fund, which includes the coordinates of the flight. " For its part, said "UBS" the death of the pilots and the two U.S. citizen. The company announced in a statement posted on its website "could UPS that now confirm the deaths of two crew members are pilot Doug Lamb of Louisville (Kentucky) and co-pilot Matthew from Bill Sanford (Florida) in the crash of Flight 6 "to Dubai. It was the first work with the" UPS "since 1995, while Bill joined the company in 2006. The plane crashed at an American base near Dubai has not only crashing to the injuries on the ground. She noted, "UPS" to aircraft in service three years ago and that "all the maintenance operations carried out on time with a preview of the general in June 2010." He said the company statement said it had sent a team to Dubai, "will cooperate with the authorities in the investigation" about the incident.
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